A bunch of idiot adolescents gathered in New York City to protest climate change. They’re idiots because they are apparently under the impression that protesting is the best way to fix climate change. Which is patently idiotic. In fairness, that’s not what they think. But what they do think doesn’t make any more sense. Their stated goal was “to pressure world leaders and governments to do something.” Exactly what should be done? They, like the government and everybody else, have exactly no idea. So pro tip: rather than pointlessly standing around in the street protesting, why not devote your time and effort into coming up with actual potential solutions? The reason is because that is hard. And they can’t do it. But they can’t apparently live with themselves if they don’t do something, so out to the street they go.
A large number of people who attended the protest drove. Cars. With combustion engines. That freaky little Swedish chick who “inspired” this pointlessness did not row her little self over here on a viking ship. Nope. She flew. On a egregiously carbon-emitting jet plane. And that’s how she’s getting around the world to help organize and inspire these protests: big ass jet planes. The Manhattan locals I know who participated in the protest proudly announced their participation on Facebook using their smartphones (the production of smartphones and massive new data centers are responsible for a disproportionate portion of the worlds carbon emissions). The sister protest in Paris grew violent and saw participants setting fires, which I suggest might actually be less helpful for carbon emissions that the demonstrations themselves.
Look, my main issues with the climate whiners is two-fold: 1) they have no actual ideas or solutions. Marching around bitching about a problem is easy. It is also simple (in the worst sense of the word) and childish. 2) They are hypocrites. They want you and me to make significant, inconvenient changes to our lives (burn less gas, drive less, fly less, eat fewer cows, et cetera, ad nauseam) but are unwilling to make those changes themselves, or lead by example. Because the bottom line is that they aren’t serious about fixing climate change. They are only interested in appearing to be more concerned about climate change than you, and are hoping by appearing that they really really care about climate change by going to the demonstration, that other people to whom it is important to really really care about climate change will be there and see them and say, “Ooooooo…that person really really cares about climate change the same way I really really care about climate change…maybe they’ll put their mouth on my genitals.”
N.P.: “Mannish Boy – Ruckus Roboticus Remix” – Muddy Waters, Ruckus Roboticus
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