Art by Tasty Piece,©️ The Safehouse Collection 2022
Good evening, loyal and long-suffering reader. In an unexpectedly sudden move, the goddamn Muse has, at long last, decided that we’re once again on speaking terms, and, having decided thus, has spoken: Underground long enough, she seemed to say…it’s time to resurface. Or at least start to. She then gave me a five-year plan. Which is actually a pleasant change from not having a five-year plan. So suddenly there’s a five-year plan. I’ve got six book ideas that I’ve written out to 10K-15K words, and after much ceiling-staring, hardwood-floor pacing, and whiskey clanking, (and subsequent drunken consultation with the Wise Ones), it has been decided to shelve four of the book ideas for the time being, and focus exclusively on getting the first two books ready for a 2024 release.
The first book is a psychological memoir (which I’ve never read or written), the second is a novel (of which I’ve read many, but never written). Yeah…fiction. Traditionally, my fiction has been shit. And it still very well may be, but it’s a satire, so I should be able to pull it off.
A completed draft of the first book is due by December of this year, (which is rapidly approaching), and the second book by June of next year. It’s a bit ambitious, but that’s the plan, so yeah…Let’s get weird.
N.P.: “Cage” – Billy Idol