July 12, 2024

Going into yesterday’s NATO press conference (Biden’s first “big boy” press conference in months), the bar had been set on the rather low side.  There may not have been a bar at all…if this dude shows up and doesn’t literally collapse on stage, it’ll be seen as a win, at least by those who were too timid to actually publicly call for Biden to drop out of the campaign (and presumably to leave office immediately, because if he can’t successfully campaign, he can’t possibly successfully govern).  Those on the other side (and I’m talking exclusively about democrats here, such is the current rift in the party), were praying for a definitive, dispositive cataclysmic shitting of the proverbial bed right there on live TV at the NATO summit.

Despite running an hour and a half late, Old Joe did finally shuffle out to the podium and speak for damn near an hour.  He didn’t collapse dead on the stage, fall off the stage, fall down, wander off, or shit his pants.  But he also introduced Zelensky as “President Putin” (which, btw, holy shit), and referred to Kamala Harris as “Vice President Trump.”  So there was really something for the whole family.  If you wanted to Biden cake his pants and burst into flames so that the dems will have to, please God, run somebody, anybody else, you were left disappointed.  If you wanted to see a strong, engaged Commander in Chief who is clearly In Charge, you were left equally disappointed.  Republicans thought it was a disaster, Democrats thought it was a triumph.  But none of that matters.

All that matters is that Old Joe and the Biden Crime Family saw yesterday’s scripted performance as all the proof anybody needs (with “anybody” here being defined as anyone whose last name is Biden who has been benefiting from the grift) that Joe Biden is indeed the man to win the election and lead the country to four more years of…whatever the fuck this is.

They are not going anywhere.  Not voluntarily.  Rumors are that Obama and Pelosi are in overdrive with plans to throw Joe overboard sooner rather than later.   The truth is that Biden bought himself more time, which he desperately needed.  This will likely be the final nail in the coffin of the Biden presidency: there wasn’t an event last night.  But there will be an event in the coming weeks or months.  And it will be Bad.  It will be what everybody was looking for last night.  And as I write this, it is mid-July.  If this disastrous event doesn’t happen until mid-August or September, when it is truly Too Late….

We live in interesting times, dear reader.

N.P.: “Funeral March” – 2WEI

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