Review – The Official Annotated Prince Discography
Reviewed by Jayson Gallaway on 29 April 2018 .
out of
Reviewed by Jayson Gallaway on 29 April 2018 .
out ofTo properly reset the Desk Whiskey scales, the next bottle will be Chivas. For the sake of the writing. If I decide to do any more “experimenting” in the future, it would likely involve Four Roses Single Barrel. If that happens, you’ll be the first to know.
N.P.: “Would That Not Be Nice” – Divine Fits
It’s time for both the Canadian as well as the United States’ governments to reopen the debate on van control.
I don’t drink coffee, but clearly something had to be done, so I went to one of the 7 coffee shops on the corner. You may not know this, but in Seattle, our coffee is served up by girls in bikinis. It’s nice. I told this particular barista that I was not a coffee drinker, but I also wasn’t the sort of person to be awake during daylight, and could she please help a brother out. She winked at me and said, “Oh, I’ll jack you up,” and concocted this horrible bubbling brew with five shots of something awful in it (I assumed it was whiskey, but in retrospect I don’t think this was the case).
I brought the coffee back up the street and drank it quickly.
Jack me up she did.
It’s been half an hour, and I have removed my shirt, am pacing (actually running) around my apartment gritting my teeth, barking at the balcony squirrels every 3 minutes, and watching documentaries about the Manson Family at inordinate volume. If things don’t improve soon, I am going to march back down there to see if that bikini-clad witch has any thorazine.
You people do this every day? Madness.
N.P.: “Revolution” – Uppermost
Hello, dearest reader,
And every apology under the sun for what I’m sure you consider my gross negligence of you here. I can assure you that that is not the case, though I’m sure appearances suggest otherwise. The truth is I’ve just been busy as hell. Working on my own projects, things for others…it’s just been a hectic time. I’m 12 years behind schedule, and catching up can be a bit daunting most days. But I haven’t forgotten about you. I’ll have some things here for you soon.
N.P.: “Inheritance” – New Model Army
Today’s wisdom comes to us from Ikon, a pimp who was sitting on the steps of a funeral home/crematorium in Seattle, drinking a Four-Loko: “Listen, dude…if it has tits or tires, you’re gonna have problems with it.”
In other news, things would be going much better (certainly faster) if I had an assistant.
N.P.: “Pretty Tied Up” – Guns’n’Roses
Hey y’all…I’m busy as hell lately, but I’m working on some things for you. Just wanted to say hi.
N.P.: “Think Twice” – Jackie Wilson & LaVern Baker
antistalking – verb – learning a person’s routine in order to avoid them.
Greetings, dear reader…
Finally having a look at “The Terror” on AMC. If you haven’t had a chance to read any of Dan Simmons’ work, I recommend his stuff, particularly his first novel, “Song of Kali.” “The Terror” is based on his 2007 novel of the same name, and Mr. Simmons is executive producer of the show. I’m only an hour in, but so far, so good.
I’ve been working on a couple of projects, and they are both painfully slow going, yet taking most of my effort. An unfortunate side effect is that I don’t always have many words left over in the predawn hours for you here. As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I’ve been immersing myself in the short stories of both Poe and Lovecraft. So I was thinking about talking about those things here. It could by like our own little book club, except we’ll actually read the book, and we don’t have to deal with the hassle of actually being in the same place at the same time. It won’t be anything “scholarly” and I am approaching both of these authors as just another reader…not a critic, certainly not an expert. In fact this is my first time reading any of Lovecraft’s stuff. I’ve been a Poe fan for most of my life (my first exposure was when I was 10, and I was instantly and permanently enthralled). I took one class that focused on Poe in grad school…nothing related to Lovecraft was ever offered. But I was always hearing about him. He was one of maybe three or four authors that other students would talk about in the context of “Oh man, you’ve got to read this guy,” but the professors would hardly acknowledge publicly (incidentally, when I started teaching college, I talk these authors any chance I could). So yeah…what I mean to say here is that though I’ve been directly exposed to Poe’s work for decades, I’d managed to read a single word of Lovecraft, despite almost constantly hearing about him and his work for just as many decades. And so I’ve been trying to change that this year. I started at the beginning with “The Tomb” and have been making slow but steady progress. More on this to come, but I just wanted you to know what I was thinking about.
Okay…I might be delirious. Back to work.