Art by Tasty Piece,©️ The Safehouse Collection 2023
causing or produced by putrefaction or decay.
The stripper before him smelt of the sourness of the second shift of a very rough double. The sour breath of alcohol and penis and the odor of sweat and smoke. Her dead tooth was a dark glare in the light of the bar, and the way the blacklight made all of her teeth glow nuclearly except for the dead one wasn’t helping anything. Her eyes were wild with desire and methamphetamine as she moved her hips in circles. He felt the warmth of her body as she leaned in and her hands grasped his neck tightly. He tried to ignore the stench of her dead tooth and focus on the feeling of her body against his. Although he could not deny the saprogenic smell of her mouth as she mumbled whorish nonsense mere inches away from his face, he remained transfixed upon the song blaring in the background…it was one of his favorites. It didn’t have a dead tooth. “Focus on the song,” he told himself. “Once it’s over, this dance will be over, and I can finally escape this ho and her fetid breath.”
N.P.: “You’re Insane” – Rod Stewart