Well, dearest reader, as you know, I’ve watched every season of The United States since Nixon was president, and I can tell you absolutely and objectively that this season’s finale continues to be far and away the most fascinating, intriguing, riveting season finale ever.
The Democrats’ Collapse Into Chaos is now complete: a letter on Joe Biden’s personal stationary (not that of the White House) appeared on Biden’s X account weirdly announcing he’s ending his reelection bid.
I don’t buy it. I mean, I’m sure he’s dropping out, but I’ve seen nothing at all to indicate that this is his decision. Quite the opposite…everything points to the contrary. This senile old ball-bag made recorded statements from the Oval Office recently, first when his DOJ prosecuted Trump on a bunch of bullshit…apparently that was important enough to warrant addressing the nation. He did it again after the attempted assassination of the same former President. Apparently that was important enough to warrant addressing the nation. But becoming the first incumbent President not to seek reelection since LBJ, and to do so after actively running in the primaries and getting 50 million+ democrat votes in the process, and then “deciding” not to run for reelection…that doesn’t warrant addressing the nation. That doesn’t warrant a prepared statement from the Oval Office. Apparently that doesn’t warrant even a carefully edited video clip. No audio…nothing at all to indicate that Old Joe is even aware these statements are being made. Sending out a letter, on X…weird as hell.
As of Friday night, the Biden campaign was still defiant as fuck, stating unequivocally that Joe was the democratic nominee, and that message did not change over the weekend. Biden’s White House aides as well as aides to the Biden campaign are now publicly saying that they all found out about Old Joe dropping out when the statement was released on X along with the rest of the world. “We’re all finding out by tweet,” said one such insider, “None of us understand what’s happening.” A reporter for the beshitted New York Times
X’d: “To give a sense of how much Biden’s decision took his campaign by surprise…Campaign staff were still calling delegates 30 minutes before the announcement, pushing them to declare their support for Biden in the rollcall & on social media, according to one delegate.” He then X’d that “the delegate who received the call 30 mins before the announcement says…they refused to commit and commented, “It’s absolutely bonkers.”
So even two hours after the supposed announcement, there still has been no indication whatsoever that Joe Biden, anyone in the Biden family, or anyone working in the White House or on the Biden campaign had even a hint that this was happening.
Then, significantly after the initial letter was posted, another message appeared on Biden’s X account endorsing Scamala Harris. Like it was an afterthought.
No…this is way too weird…I don’t think we’ll know what actually happened for some time…if ever. But know that there is presently (and has been for over three years) someone who is apparently admitting that he doesn’t have the mental or physical ability required to run a successful campaign, but simultaneously continues to insist is perfectly fine to run the United States and effectively the entire world.
Seven months is a dangerously long time.
N.P.: “You Missed” – Tom MacDonald
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