I don’t watch a whole hell of a lot of television, dear reader, especially since those pusillanimous twats at A&E cancelled LivePD. But I’ve always thought The First 48 is a pretty great show, for the same reason I liked LivePD and COPS: you get to see exactly how stupid people can be. At least 90% of the people who get arrested for murder on The First 48 get arrested in an interview room at the police station. Without an attorney. Voluntarily. Yeah.
Now I know you know this, dear reader, but for those who might be just tuning in who might not know better, we need to let them know: when the police call and tell you they are investigating a homicide and would you just be a dear and come on in for a quick interview…just 15 minutes, just a chat and a handshake, really, no big deal”, here’s what you say. “I will gladly talk with you with my attorney present.” Other than that, don’t say shit. If you did it, and you know you’re caught, don’t say shit. If you didn’t do it, but you know you’ll probably be a suspect anyway, don’t say shit. If you have absolutely no idea what or whom the cops are talking about, don’t say shit. Some Americans, most Americans, unfortunately, think that lawyering up makes one look guilty. It doesn’t. It makes one look smart. It makes one look as if one is not fucking around, which, if one is being interviewed by homicide detectives, is a good look to have. It also tends to make one look free in a lot of cases.
N.P.: “Thin Line” – honeyhoney