This shitbag.
It’s been a couple of years since I published my People I Want To Fight list, mostly because it hasn’t changed, and it’s dumb to keep publishing the same list year after year. But this asshole just made the list.
He, like millions of other Americans who seem to lack any ability to think critically, drank the Kool-Aid long ago on a particular narrative that simply isn’t true, but it’s very awkward to find oneself living life according to some narrative that doesn’t actually exist or that does not accurately reflect reality. That amount of cognitive dissonance is unacceptable and intolerable for some people. Despite all the evidence reality may have to offer, their neural pathways are so deeply carved to be allegiant to the narrative that they simply cannot alter the template of the narrative to fit over reality. So they choose instead the only other option…change reality to fit the narrative.
Which is what this idiot did. After spending years in Chicago, walking the midnight streets as an openly gay black man, he couldn’t get anyone to pick on him. So he cut letters out of a magazine and sent a threatening letter to himself at the studio where his stupid show is filmed. Exactly nobody gave a shit. “What does a brother have to do to become the victim of a hate crime these days?” he must have thought. And his answer to that was, evidently, pay a couple of other black guys several thousand dollars to pretend to pick on him. .
For some reason, the thing that made me want to fight this guy the most was when recounting his fictional events onstage to a crowd of tens (by reading from an index card?) , when he was done reading his bullet points, he concluded with, “And most importantly, I fought the fuck back,” Jackass. Maybe that’s why this makes me want to fight him: just:to demonstrate what The Juss would and wouldn’t do in a fight.
I have always disagreed with the idea of “hate crimes,” differentiating the severity of the charge and the severity of the punishment from one case to another based on the victim’s race, orientation, religion, et cetera. Suggesting that an assault or murder or terrorist act is somehow worse because of what the perpetrator was allegedly thinking? Moronic. And unjust But the reality is we have something called hate crimes. So fine. Either this guy committed a hate crime (just because a racist, sexist attack is in no way mitigated because he committed it against himself. Or he’s only guilty of filing a false police report and repeatedly making false statements to the police. He should also be charged with all manner of libel, slander, and calumny for the direct accusations he heaped upon an entire group of people. Regardless, whatever the penalties are should be augmented and enhanced just as the penalties for the hate crimes he falsely alleged would have been augmented and enhanced.
But yeah, fuck this guy.
N.P.: “Counting Bodies Like Sheep to the Rhythm of the War Drums” – A Perfect Circle
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