Word of the Day: petard

Good day, dearest and most intelligent reader.  On this Liberation Day Eve, the Word of the Day, technically, is “petard.”  However, this word in nearly always used in the context of the phrase, “Hoisted on his own petard.”  I’ve always found both the word and the phrase sonorously repugnant: mainly just the word.  “Petard.”  That’s just a terrible sounding word.  Be that as it may, I can’t think of a more relevant word/term of the day for today.  For this phrase comes with a sprinkle of irony and a dash of poetic justice.

The phrase “Hoisted on his own petard” finds its origins in the world of Shakespeare.  It appears in “Hamlet,” where the term “petard” refers to an explosive device used in warfare.  To be hoisted by it means to be blown up by one’s own bomb – a delicious metaphor for being caught in one’s own trap.

The world is watching and waiting for the results of tomorrow’s election.  While no one knows the outcome as of this writing, one thing is beyond doubt: neither Donald Trump nor Kamala Harris would be on the ballot if the democrats hadn’t put them both there.  The whole ignoring Biden’s 15 million votes in the primary and swapping him out for the DEI candidate who got exactly 0 votes was done so blatantly and egregiously, and my democrat friends seem  completely sanguine about it, so there’s no real need to deal with it here.

But my democrat friends seem shocked, shocked to their foundations when I suggest that the only reason Donald Trump even on the ticket is because the Biden/Harris administration and democrat machine worked hand-in-glove to put him there.

Before I continue, I feel the need to share a quick anecdote: Early in this election cycle, a friend found himself in a democrat focus group, answering female “researchers'” questions about masculinity and “guyness.”  Apparently it was a horrid and depressing three minutes.  Their whole angle, he said figured out in retrospect, was that to get their message across to “us simple, toxically masculine males was to figure out what we talked about with each other when we went to the bathroom together.”  That, they thought, was the key to unlock the all-too-illusive male vote.  My friend said that it was clear from the start that none of these women had even met an actually straight male.  Their first question was just straight out: “What do you guys talk about when you go to the bathroom?”  “Thankfully this was a stupid Zoom thing,” he said, “so I was just able to click out of the meeting…I’m sure packing up and walking out of an in-person would have been interpreted as “aggressive” and thus, likely, toxic.  “Fuck ’em,” I thought at the time, “these idiots deserve exactly what they get.”

Flashback with me to the mid-term elections of 2022.  Republicans were still pissed about losing in 2020.  At the forefront of the Republican mind at the time was Trump’s many totally unforced errors in that election.  They blamed Trump for not only losing the executive branch, but also the Senate.  So when he started showing up at the beginning of the 2022 election cycle, making endorsements with papal ex cathedra, Republicans were skeptical.  But willing to hear him out.  Promises of a “Red Wave” were made.  But that amounted to nothing more than a pink puddle of piddle.  The consensus came quickly: Trump’s magic was gone.  He had no more juice.  Not only could he not win elections, he couldn’t even successfully influence things when he wasn’t on the ticket.  He was, for all practical purposes, at least in the minds of most republicans, Done.  And had That Been That, he would have indeed been done.  Even if he did try to run in 2024, the safe money was on DeSantis winning the nomination.  And he may or may not have won against Biden.

But That Wasn’t That because the same Democratic machine just couldn’t let it be.  In fairness, they probably didn’t know how far Trump’s star had fallen, since these were the same out-of-touch folks that were asking what men talk to each other about when they go to the bathroom that were now in charge of destroying Trump’s possible election run in 2024.  Every single thing they would do for the next 12 months would be a catastrophic tactical and strategic error.  To wit:

  • Deadly-force-authorized FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago.  This was what did it for most of us.  The absolute outrageousness of a sitting president so brazenly weaponizing his DOJ against his political opponent in the United States was something we simply couldn’t accept.  In a literal instant, Republicans went from having written Trump off to absolutely voting for him in 2024.  Doesn’t matter if he runs or not…we’ll write him in to office, because this is bullshit.  This was August 8, 2022.  This potential write-in campaign was rendered unnecessary when Big Don announces his 2024 run three months later, on November 15, 2022.  Trump’s numbers skyrocket.
  • In June 2023, Biden’s DOJ indicts Trump on 37 federal criminal charges related to the handling of classified government documents.  When no charges are forthcoming for Biden, who was found to be in possession of far more classified documents, and had no pretense to any kind of Presidential immunity, a special counsel is appointed, which special counsel determines that Joe Biden is too demented to stand trial and thus cannot be charged. This case would be dismissed a year later. Trump’s numbers again skyrocket.
  • In August 2023, Biden’s DOJ indicts Trump on four federal criminal charges related to the certification of the 2020 presidential election, which election was certified perectly and timely according to constitutional proscriptions and requirements.  The Supreme Court would later rule Trump had immunity to what was being charged.  Trump’s support continues to grow.
  • In August 2023, Trump is indicted in Georgia on 13 criminal counts related to election interference.  The judge would strike three charges for lack of specificity and two others for violating the Supremacy Clause.  Trump’s support grows.
  • The final nail in the coffin came on August 24, 2024, when, after being indicted on racketeering and related charges, DJT voluntarily surrenders himself to authorities at the Fulton County Jail, where a mugshot of him was taken.  Again, the result of this is the exact opposite of what was intended.  Trump’s support among Black and Latino voters skyrockets.

There were then multiple attempts by democrat-run states to take Trump off the ballot.  The Supreme Court told them to fuck off.  At this point, it all  just noise.  The two assassination attempts were enough to bring even traditional democrats like Elon Musk and JFK Jr. to publicly and rather fervently support Trump.

If there is a Trump victory, we will, in perhaps the most ironic way possible, have the democrats to thank for it.  But since this was the exact opposite outcome from what they were going for, they can fairly be said to have been hoisted on their own petard.

N.P.: “Hoist The Colours – Bass Singers Version” – The Wellermen, Bobby Bass, Ebucs, Eric Hollaway, Big Brev, Luke G, Taylor, Jesse Elkins, Davide Delmonte

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