I grew up in a neighborhood of folks who were very proud of their lawn. Ya know? ~ Kamala Harris
There is a new name on my People I Want To Fight list: I want to fight the Pope. Not just whomever happens to be the Pope at any given time…no. The current Pope Francis. I wasn’t a fan of his predecessor, Benedict either, but I don’t recall really wanting to fight that guy.
My contempt for the present pontiff is only a symptom of a larger disease that has been eating away at and weakening the Church for several decades now.
For decades, former “true believers” in the Holy Roman and Apostolic have dropped off of the rolls as the Church pathetically lowered its standards and expectations and completely eliminated any real strictures in a woefully misguided attempt at “inclusion.” The Church is weak and almost completely irrelevant. The world has become completely comfortable insulting, mocking, and blaspheming against the Church and all that is holy. This is unacceptable. A church says, “We believe in a, b, and c, and this is how we put that belief into practice.” It is not for the people to dictate those things to the church, and then have the church conform!
In an effort to be reasonable, I will agree to not fight the Pope if Pope Francis resigns immediately. As soon as the Conclave picks a better Pope (I am available), the new Pope should order the following:
- The entire Catholic world immediately reverts to the Latin mass. Conversational Latin should also be pursued.
- Any Catholic who has not attended mass in the last year is excommunicated. These excommunications can be appealed if the defendant agrees to immediately conform to the new strictures. A five-year probationary period would begin. At the end of that five years, if the defendant has properly adhered to all rules, full membership can be restored. If, at any time during that five years the defendant lapses and/or breaks significant rules, the excommunication stands, without possibility of return.
- Opus Dei will be militarized and every parish will begin training a militia: they shall serve as Defenders of the Faith against heretics and to provide much needed but noticeably absent security for mass attendees.
- The Second Crusade.
If these measures are implemented, the Catholic Church can return to its former glory and power this time next year. You’re welcome.
N.P.: “Better” – Infidel inc.
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