Dear Mr. Jayson,
Hellos, I a big fan of anger, also fan of sun of destroy, just like you Mr. Jayson. I like hangbang book, and we should make movie. I am tell you I write a movies now, and I can make it good. And also I like fight. I teach, talk, and tell of fight at my blog. See my picture. Is good to talk to you becows you strong of fight, say “Fucks!” and do good with strongs. Don’t even take a shit if you don’t have to! Sometime a people take a shit cause to be friends with you, I don’t like that, l like fight hard style, and so I like you. Any kid I see, I tell , no no don’t take a shits for anyone, only GIVE shits, and see futures in balls. Ma all the gods of furious strong be with you as you crunch opponents, and live like a windrammer as you fuck.
Dear Jonny,
Hell yes, man: let’s make a movie. I like fight hard style too, so I’m sure we’ll get along great. How do you want to shoot this thing?
Have your people call my people,
Somebody thought they could leave a comment!