At some point in the predawn hours of this morning, I decided to look into getting a bomb shelter built here. For the sort of thing I had in mind: $57K. Which seemed reasonable. So I called. Oddly enough, no one was in the office to take my call. Which, in hindsight, I suppose was also reasonable, but at that moment, I remember taking rather significant umbrage: I guess I think that certain businesses should be available 24 hours a day, and bomb shelter installation is such a business. But I understand that not everybody thinks like me, so I left a voicemail. When they returned my call, they educated me on how things would have to be done around here: gotta build a pool. Package deal: if you want to build a bomb shelter in Fecal Creek or Anhedonia County, you build a pool. Bullet-resistant door…always good.
In the end, though, I decided not to get a bomb shelter, and instead went back to sleep.
N.P.: “Smash Shit Up” – Dropkick Murphys
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