July 7, 2024

So, dear reader, I wrote this massive thing called Weekend at Joey’s which was a fictitious interview I did with Joe Biden.  It was a pretty vicious take-down of the President using entirely his own unedited quotations.  It attempted to do the press’s job for them (since they have totally abdicated their journalistic duties and become nothing more than the propaganda wing of the democratic party.  It addressed the egregious cover-up and gaslighting about the President’s incompetence and dementia.  As this fake interview goes on, it’s made increasingly clear that Joe Biden is, in fact, dead, and has been so since shortly before taking office.  At one point in the interview, the president’s mandible just falls off, and a couple of aids have to come in and reattach it.

But recent developments have totally taken the proverbial wind out of that piece’s sails.

Which, on the one hand, sucks because I did spend a lot of time on it.  On the other hand, at least now the gaslighting has ended and anyone with even half a brain knows that the President of the United States is non compos mentis and has been so for some time.

Unfortunately, another dark suspicion many of us had prior to the recent Presidential Debate has been confirmed in brutal and undeniable fashion: democrats and the main-stream media (but I repeat myself) are decidedly anti-American and cannot be trusted.  They are so blinded by hate that they worry almost exclusively about keeping Trump out of office at all costs, through and including destroying the country.

We’ve all been seeing the same thing for years now, but now that plausible deniability is off the table, the entire democrat apparatus along with their apparatchiks in the media, are acting as if they suddenly found out something was wrong.  I, along with the rest of the sentient American public, are not buying the gape-mouthed pearl-clutching “oh-we-had-no-idea-things-were-this-bad” horseshit.

Faced with a total loss of credibility even among Trump-hating democrats, the media panicked and blamed the White House Press Secretary, the woefully ill-equipped diversity hire Karine Jean-Pierre and her staff of professional liars for “having misled the press for years” about President Biden’s incompetence.  Again, the public is not buying this bongwash.  Even the day before Debatageddon, KJP was blaming all the myriad footage of President Biden falling on his ass whist trying to ride a bike, falling up various staircases, drifting off so badly in outdoor meetings that he forgets where he is and starts walking into the woods, shitting his pants at the Vatican, trying to shake hands with people who are not there, shitting his pants in Normandy, falling on his face at the Air Force Academy graduation, et cetera, ad nauseum, as “cheap fakes” created by “extremist MAGA republicans (which, what the fuck does “cheap fakes” even mean?  Did she mean deep fakes?  It doesn’t matter: now we all know exactly nothing was faked: it’s all horrifically real.

The Biden Crime Family has circled the wagons, blaming non-Biden staff members for poor debate prep,  with Jill and Hunter greatly restricting access to the president by non-family staff (look for significant staff resignations this coming week).   Hunter has begun attending all high-level meetings with his zombie father, and Jill is asserting  control of the re-elect campaign.  They are insisting that there is NO chance Joe’s going to drop out of the race.  In his disastrous interview with George Stephanopoulos on Friday night, Joe said he would not drop out of the race unless “The Lord Almighty comes down and tells me that.”  So look for the President to be struck by lightning or swallowed by a sinkhole or some other Act of God in the next week.

The most troubling aspect of all of this is the reason why the democrats are melting down: they’ve been watching all the same footage we have for the last several years, but they chose to ignore/not report it.  Until it became obvious that Big Don is going to return to the Presidency.  They seemed not to have the slightest care that a senile old man who can’t finish a simple sentence about Medicare has the nuclear codes.  That someone you wouldn’t even let drive your old beat-up car is, presently, running the world.  Even today, their sole area of concern is that Joe can’t beat Trump.  Their only goal now is to scramble to find someone else to run in the election, not to assume the responsibilities of the president immediately.

This week will be interesting.  If Biden holds on and refuses to step down by the end of the week, he has to run.  But democratic congressmen are saying their first order of business when they return to session tomorrow is figuring out the best path forward.  There are no good ways forward, but the knives are out on all sides.

Poopy Joe has a live press conference on Thursday with NATO leaders, his first live and unscripted appearance since the disastrous debate.  If he’s still in office on Friday morning, the dems are stuck with him.  If he quits before Friday, the dems are stuck with diversity-hire Kamala, the only politician in the country with more dismal approval ratings than the President’s.

On a personal note, I’ve been dealing with close relatives with dementia for years now, and I’ve seen the damage that can be done when a family becomes so scared of a dementia patient that they’d rather just go along and pretend there’s not a problem.  In the meantime, multiple families destroyed, money thrown away.  When the paterfamilias is demented yet still allowed to make decisions and attempt to defy reality and not abdicate their position, disaster is sure to follow.

Two things I’ve learned about dementia patients: 1) they have zero insight into their condition and thus see no need for them to step down from anything (like giving up their driver’s licenses, living alone, etc), and 2) Dementia doesn’t get better.  Ever.  At best, there are good days and bad days.  But we can’t really afford to have a president who has bad days.  Nor can we afford to have a president who is only functional (functional here being defined as vaguely conscious and tangentially aware of What’s Going On) between 10:00 and 16:00.

Not for nothing, but Jill Biden is perhaps the worst wife to have ever wifed.  She should be not just ashamed of her conduct regarding Joe, she should be as disgusted as the rest of us are.  It’s your job to protect your spouse when they get sick, not to exploit them into the grave for your own money and power.  Talk about toxic femininity.  She’s just a disgusting human.

I’ve heard some dem talking heads suddenly suggesting that “it’s time to start playing chess.”  Now it’s time?  Here’s the problem with old democrats and the chess analogy: it is impossible to play, let alone win at chess when each particular piece has its own agenda and schedule and priorities and will never even consider sacrificing themselves to win the match.  As pissed off as the dems are about the Supreme Court and Roe v Wade being overturned, et cetera, none of these problems would exist for them if Ruth Bader Ginsberg had taken her party’s advice and stepped down during the Obama administration.  Another liberal judge would have been appointed.  But she refused to step down and died under the Trump administration.  And the rest is history.  But the democratic ego doesn’t seem to consider any cause beyond their immediate enrichment or empowerment, and seem to have serious problems “taking one for the team.”  They will never let go of power once they’ve taken it.

This is far and away the most fascinating political period in my lifetime.  We’re talking Shakespearian-level drama and intrigue…with Jill Biden cast clearly as Lady MacBeth, natch.  Friends are making a big deal out of House of the Dragon right now, but honestly, I quit watching this week: Game of Thrones is a huge snooze compared to what’s going on in the Season Finale of The United States.  And I am so here for it.

N.P.: “Too Good At Raising Hell” – The Struts

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