

“May you live in interesting times” is perhaps the most ancient of Chinese curses.  I think the times we live in can certainly be described as “interesting” in the Chinese sense, though I think this for likely very different reasons than you might suspect.
I’ll get into all that soon enough, but not today.  Today is Wednesday, after all, and it has always proven to be bad business to discuss anything controversial on Wednesdays.  So it will have to wait.  Besides, right now I have to go stalk an opossum that has been rather arrogantly rummaging through my trashcan for the last few weeks.  He is not foraging for food as much as he seems to be critiquing the contents of my garbage, and that is simply not acceptable.  I have to listen to a lot of nonsense in my life, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to take any shit off of some low-rent marsupial with poor orthodontia.

N.P.: “Rainbow Man 2.0” – Busy P

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