I had to meet in person with a couple of people today…couldn’t be avoided.  So I went.  Wore a mask.  One guy had a mask, the other guy didn’t.  I know the guy that didn’t.  He’s a good guy.  But he refuses to wear a mask.  For him it’s political.  Which I don’t understand.
I probably don’t have any room to talk…the reason I wear my mask has nothing to do with COVID.  I’ve spent a significant amount of my adult life trying to figure out what line of work I could enter that would allow me to wear a mask in public.  I’ll I was ever able to come up with were Superhero and Terrorist, but both of those are really a lot of work.  And in their cases, you’re going to be too worried about super villains or murder drones to ever be able to relax in public in their masks.  I had just about given up trying to figure something out when BAM: pandemic.  Perfect!
Dearest reader, I wear this shit all the time.  I wear my mask when driving alone in my car.  I wear it around the house, even when there’s nobody around.  Wear it to sleep.  Wore it in the shower the other morning…that didn’t work out well at all.  But that’s not the point.  I don’t even know what the point is, if there even is one.  I do know that long after The Virus has ebbed, I’ll still be rocking a mask.  Even the most mundane interaction suddenly turns into the opening scene of something from the Mortal Kombat franchise when both parties are wearing masks.

N.P.: “Here” – Vast

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