Gotta add a couple of names to the People I Want to Fight list. First up is Greta whatsherass…seriously, what’s her name. Hold on. Googling annoying Swedish climate whiner…Thurnberg. This hypocritical little shit. Comes over here lecturing the U.N. and anyone else into being told off by some impudent little viking about how your use of toilet paper is destroying her bullshitty utopian dreams. Then she makes this huge deal about not flying, and has a photo op on the yacht that is taking her back to the North Pole. What wasn’t mentioned was that the skipper of the yacht flew from England to the U.S., thus negating whatever carbon emissions Gretyl claiming to be saving by taking a boat instead of a commercial flight. Also, this fucking boat was not some all-wood thing hewn by the climate-loving Vikings. No…this 40-foot behemoth is priced at $18 million and the only wood on it is the fully stocked wet bars on each floor. That thing used so many fossil fuels and environmentally harmful processes and chemicals to be built. How environmentally friendly is a 40-foot fiberglass hull? It is also equipped with a pretty massive and fully fueled back-up diesel engine. ICE should have arrested her for truancy and thrown her back in the goddamn ocean. Idiot.

The second idiot on the list is Colin Kaepernick. This ungrateful fuck can’t shut up about how terrible the country and economic system which has allowed him to achieve success far greater than he could ever have anywhere else in the world is. Dude…the reason you can’t get anyone to hire you is not because of any racist system…it’s because you suck. You’re a shit quarterback, but you’re also an asshole and nobody wants to work with you. So this idiot celebrated “Unthanksgiving” with some Native Americans, just talkin’ waffle about history and how terrible the United States is and how we Americans took everything from the Indians. Which, fine. But that’s where he stops, and that’s the problem I have with him and all the other virtue signalers making so much noise these dark days: they spend their days bitching at us about what a rotten society this is and lecturing US about needing to do something, all the while doing exactly jack shit themselves. He’s got a couple of massive properties, yet he hasn’t given a single square inch of his land to our indigenous brethren. If you wanna give it back, fine…you go first. And why isn’t he hounding all his (former) NFL millionaire coworkers who also own massive amounts of property to give their shit back? Nope. That will never happen.

I’ve had to listen to a pretty unbearable amount of bullshit from guilty white liberals about how terrible the country and capitalism and white people are. Everyone of them has a university degree (construction workers and tow truck drivers are working way too hard to worry about their fictitious privilege). They will talk your ear off right up until you start asking questions: you got your degree from _______ University? “Yes.” Did you offer your spot in your class to someone who was less privileged than you? “Well, no…” Did you offer to pay the tuition and buy the books of a minority instead of paying your own way? Even once? Did you ever even consider it? “Well, that’s not…” No, that is exactly the point. The people who lecture the loudest have typically done the absolute least in terms of actual help or even actual action.

The only people I’ll listen to lectures about fossil fuels and the environment from is the Amish, and according to them, the climate is fine. Everyone else is full of shit.

N.P.: “Up Jumped the Devil” – Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds

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