Whaddup, dear reader. I am having to admit that I have vastly more ideas that I have time to write them out. I get these ideas of things I’d like to say, things I want to tell you, or sometimes things I want to do with the books or one of the other projects and this is how they appear: usually there is just a single idea…a sentence. It just appears. So as I’m studying it and looking at it from various angles (this is usually done subconsciously or very close to that as I am likely doing something totally different consciously, like attempting to converse with someone), another idea branching off the original one appears, also in the form of a sentence. Once there are two sentences about the same subject, they sort of become postulates in a “logical” argument. So if A is the case, and B is the case, then C, which appears as a third sentence. After further mental marinading, D, a fourth sentence, appears, and this is usually what I think of A being true, B being true, and what I think of C, what I think of people who think C, whatever. Sometimes D is what I think C should be (even though it isn’t), and what a better place the world would be if more people agreed with me about C, et cetera.
And see…this is what happens. That paragraph you just read supra…that was supposed to be one sentence. When I started typing the sentence, my intention was to type one sentence, and now look at us, all the way down here at the bottom of the page. Jesus.
I meant to tell you that rather than jot the ideas down for another time when I have more time to expound on and expand the core ideas, and then never getting back to it and the ideas just languish away in the ether, I was going to try to limit myself to maybe a paragraph, with just the key ideas. Which I fear may result in an experience exactly no different than reading a tedious business email.
Okay…tomorrow. Tomorrow I promise you I give you the bare bones version of what I’m thinking, rather than putting it on the shelf for the rest of forever.
Okay…gotta get back to the book.
N.P.: “Far Side of Crazy” – Wall of Voodoo
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