Jayson Gallaway

June 29, 2019

I was awakened by a lawn mower’s gasoline-powered combustion engine.  On a Saturday morning/afternoon/whatever, a time when it should be understood that all decent people with The Plague are trying desperately to convalesce.  I would quite seriously consider “self defense” if not a legitimate justification at least a significantly mitigating circumstance for the homicidal throttling I am at this moment considering giving this shitbag and at least one of his ugly kids who’s out there helping him, an unnamed conspirator in the plot against my silken repose and recuperation from infirmity.  I called him an “miserable sack of inbred shit” and announced dark intentions for his teenage daughters and perhaps some of the family pets as I slammed my bedroom window shut to block out his insipid din, but none of this was heard over the boring snore of his lawnmower’s engine.
N.P.: “Long Cool Woman (in a Black Dress)” – The Hollies

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