I figured since I have both this website and an unending and ever-worsening contempt for social media, I might as well start my own antisocial media platform. No friends, no other members at all, no likes, no comments, no memes, no insipid pictures of what I had for dinner, no patronizing affirmations about strong women or how life is a journey. No daily pictorial updates of completely average children’s completely average development. None of that shit.
I was thinking about calling it Jaysbook, but that’s just stupid. If I keep the posts to 140 characters or fewer, I could maybe call it Bitter, and the posts would be Bites. That might work. That way, this time next year, when the press reports about something I said, they can say, “Jayson Gallaway bit out that ….” That works.
There’s really no reason to call it anything. Just Antisocial Media. Welcome. Now fuck off.
We kid, of course, dear reader. I’d really you rather not fuck off. I do enjoy your company.
N.P.: “I Believe” – Ghost
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