I’m pretty frustrated with myself today, dear reader.  Just trying to change a few behaviors that are proving to be rather tenacious.  Rather than ask for help, of course, I just get mad at myself and “try harder” and force things and that always works out [eye roll].

I saw an article recently that asserted that procrastination is not a time management issue but rather a problem of emotional dysregulation.  I think I actually pointed to the screen and said, “Ha!” or some such thing out loud even though I was alone.  In the ensuing days, I have seen other articles in other reputable places discussing the validity of this idea and expounding on it a bit.  I’ve found this rather heartening.

Tonight I’m going to work on the Tijuana stuff a bit.  I was discussing my misadventures in the lawless chaotic south, and that got me sort of re-inspired to dust it off and maybe finish it off.

N.P.: “The End Is Begun” – 3

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