I’m still working on a few different things for you here, but they are all going slower than hell. It’s a tad annoying, as I’m not sure of the reason for the slowness. It’s very frustrating.
Anyway, I saw some nonsense in the news about the governor of Kentucky…here’s the actual headline: “Kentucky governor says he deliberately exposed his 9 children to chickenpox”
I don’t know if this happens to everybody, but the day that I realized I was significantly smarter than most people in positions of power came about 20 years ago, and in that time, I’ve seen exactly nothing that his not confirmed this belief. Most daily headlines are basically a parade of confirmation of this, and today’s was no exception.
Okay, Governor or Kentucky…what’s this asshole’s name…Matt Bevin. Dear Matt, I along with the entire medical community think you’re an idiot. And if I was one of your kids that just had to suffer through chickenpox because my asshole dad thought it was a good idea to deliberately expose me to a disease for reasons that only made sense in his almost-certainly-syphilitic mind, I’d punch you in your idiot mouth.
But seriously, Matt, I wish you ill. I hope your 9 kids give you the worst case of shingles in the history of recorded disease.
N.P.: “Pussygrinder” – Nine Inch Nails (featuring Sheryl Crow)
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