Monthly Archives: January 2020

Made a big leap forward on the slasher novel today. Which is funny. I mean, the book is funny…I think it’s hilarious. I mean it’s hilarious that the slasher book has grown and become it’s own project. I started it just to burn off energy while I was working on the “real” book.” I planned to write the most unacceptable stuff that could/would/should never be published, and it’s gradually become something that might actually need to come out at some point soonish. Maybe simultaneously with the other one. Then when people get intolerably angry with one, they’ll suddenly be faced with, “Oh, well, did you read the other one?” And they won’t know which one to be more outraged by.
Interesting to note that no one has been killed yet. In the book. Thus far it is a slasher novel utterly bereft of slashing. Might need to get to that at some point.

N.P.: “Red Eyes and Tears” – Black Rebel Motorcycle Club

Feeling kind of off tonight, dear reader. Not sick, but just off. I’m very tired. I may have to have the doctor check for tsetse fly bites again. I’m reasonably confident that I haven’t been to Africa recently, but it wouldn’t surprise me at all if those evil goddamn flies had managed to sneak their parasitic asses over to Tijuana and then tucked into my delicious system whilst I was down there very selflessly doing battle with the tequila gods, dancing with the girls in the red dresses, and tutoring the youth in the ways of righteousness. Typical. No good dead goes unpunished.
Of course, it’s likely not African Sleeping Sickness induced by the bite of the malevolent and shitty tsetse fly. My offness is most likely self-inflicted, if I’m honest. Gosh darn all that whiskey and vice.

N.P.: “The Hunted (feat. James Lavelle) – Timo Maas

Life can be so fucking weird sometimes, dear reader. Neither good nor bad…just weird. I dunno. Maybe it’s just me.

For dinner I made my version of chicken fajitas, something commonly referred to around here as The Irish-Mexican War. Turned out pretty well. I think it may be time to reinvest and rebuild my once-mighty cast iron arsenal.

Okay…time to get to the real work.

N.P.: “Heaven or Las Vegas” – Cocteau Twins

“That is just depraved.”
“Yes it is. But so what. You need to be more depraved. There is nothing wrong with a bit of depravity once every few weeks, you know. As long as there are no cameras.”
“I like the way you think.”

N.P.: “Alkohol” – Eisbrecher

Not a bad day. Got a lot done. I think I’ll stay up late to try to finish something I’ve been working on this evening. There’s a lot of stuff going on in our insipid and moronic culture that is really pissing me off, and it’s been a while since I’ve truly bitched about something, so tomorrow might be a day for that. We’ll see.

N.P.: “Street Fighting Man” – The Rolling Stones

I spent a bunch of time today doing things that freed up a bunch of time tomorrow for writing.

N.P.: “She’s a Beauty” – The Tubes

No time again, dearest reader. It just never ends. There has been a bit of progress on the book, however. That’s always good.

N.P.: “Ring of Fire” – Social Distortion

Jayson Gallaway

January 14, 2020

“He sees no reason for doing anything in particular and finds most of the causes for which, at ordinary times, he was prepared to act and suffer, profoundly uninteresting. He can’t be bothered with them, for the good reason that he has better things to think about.” ~ Aldous Huxley

N.P.: “Hourglass” – A Perfect Circle

People are frustrating. And I’m frustrated. I think the world is too much with me today, dear reader.

N.P.: “Beware The Beast” – Carpenter Brut, Mat McNerney

I’ve gotta be brief again tonight, dear reader…this laptop is about out of juice, and I have to hit the road. So I’ll check in with you tomorrow.

N.P.: “Pump Up The Volume (UK 12″ Remix)” – M/A/R/R/S