Category Archives: Lucubrations

October 10, 2022

Art by Tasty Piece,©️ The Safehouse Collection 2022

Good evening, dearest reader.  And happy Columbus Day.  It’s allegedly almost Halloween.
I must confess I’m finding it somewhat difficult getting into the spirit of the fucking season when it’s 92 goddamn degrees outside.  But what is one to do except bitch.  So bitch I shall: It’s too hot for October!
There.  I feel better.
As long as I’m downloading, here, wanna know what else is pissing me off?  People saying “perfect” at me every time I’m forced to have an interaction with a female under 30.  Holy Jesus.

I’ve got a pretty healthy ego, but I’ve never been under the delusion that I am anywhere near perfect or that I have done or will ever do anything perfectly. Ever. So why oh why must I be not simply told, but really rhetorically bludgeoned by Gen Z women telling me absolutely every single thing that I do, down to the most mundane task, like signing a form, was “perfect”?

This nonsense started a couple years ago, but was generally limited to lesser-educated mall employees and the like. And since I only found myself in malls only once every year or two, it was tolerable. But then, during the pandemic, everybody got noticeably more stupid. And “Perfect” evidently became ubiquitous.

I’m now hearing it several times a day, in response to the most innocuous things. It’s like these women have been taking lessons from manically medicated Valley girls or something. I’m beginning to think they’re doing it on purpose, just to annoy me.

Or maybe they really are that stupid. Either way, it’s driving me up the wall.   I was talking to my new friend and driver Jerry about this, and his suggestion was…typical of him:  “Dude…I know…it’s driving me crazy too.  Fortunately, I’m a man who is slowly learning how to deal with this. I don’t want to get too graphic, but one of the more effective things I’ve found to shut these annoying twits up is to grab them by their upper arms and shake them until their teeth rattle like loose change in a beat up penny jar. It puts them in their place, and does wonders for my mental state.  I know you’re more “sensitive” than I am, but even though I know it might feel “wrong” when you first try it, don’t let that stop you.  This “perfect” shit has already gotten out of control…if you and I don’t start doing our part to rein it in, I shudder to think of how things will be in three months, hell, in three weeks!”

Though I take his point, and even concur, his suggested methods are a bit much.  But still…I get where he’s coming from.  Anyway, if we can please all knock it off with the “perfect” all the goddamn time, that would be great.  Otherwise Jerry’s just going to keep shaking people.

N.P.: “Hunter’s Moon” – Ghost

October 1, 2022

Art by Tasty Piece,©️ The Safehouse Collection 2022

“Music loud and women warm…
I’ve been kicked around since I was born.”
~ Maurice Gibb

That about sums it up, dear reader.  Maurice knew what mattered, and perhaps more importantly, what didn’t.  But none of that matters anymore…Maurice is long dead and I’m still here, so I’m not sure how much of his wisdom I’m supposed to let eclipse mine.   According to the calendar, today is the first day of October.

If one were to argue this point based on all available objective perception, one would not be out of line, for one would be basing one’s argument pretty solidly on the fact that it is presently 95 F(ucking degrees) outside, with nary a cloud in the sky. This, of course, is in California. The land of fruits and nuts, though that means something different than it did 100 years ago, where fall apparently means “let’s turn up the heat a few more notches before we’re forced to confront the reality of winter.”

So, I ask you: what the fuck happened to fall? Remember fall?  It was that brief, beautiful period between summer and winter when the weather was perfect, the leaves were changing color, and pumpkin spice lattes were in season. We did a little digging and found out what happened: Governor Gavin Newsom signed an executive order last year, in a late-night executive session that went unmentioned by the press, banning fall. “Autumn is bigoted and sexist, and a vestigial part of the systemic racism in American timekeeping,” reads the official statement of the Governor’s Office. “Besides, fall has felt like an afterthought for a lot of years now; an after-party to summer that no one really wants to attend but feels obligated to nonetheless. Well, no more! No more fall!”

This is bullshit, of course. Fall was my favorite season, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let some two-bit politician take it away from me without a fight. I’m throwing down the gauntlet: #BringBackFallYouDick!

N.P.: “God Only Knows” – Gary Numan

September 9, 2022


Art by Tasty Piece,©️ The Safehouse Collection 2022

Good evening, dear reader.  Just a quick note for now…I have been busy as hell.  The writing is going swimmingly, but it’s taking all my time.  Anyway, good things are happening.  I’ll be back here for a proper visit with you soon.

N.P.: “Highly Suspicious” – My Morning Jacket

September 5, 2022

Art by Tasty Piece,©️ The Safehouse Collection 2022

Unholy temperatures today, dear reader.  I think it’s weird that people live here…people are clearly not meant to live here.
Anyway, I’ve been working on something that is taking a little longer than expected, so I’ve been absent here a few days more than anticipated.  So I just wanted to stop by and say hey and bitch about the heat.  Okay…back to it.

N.P.: “Hang on St. Christopher” – Bulletboys

September 1, 2022

Art by Tasty Piece,©️ The Safehouse Collection 2022

Good evening, loyal and long-suffering reader. In an unexpectedly sudden move, the goddamn Muse has, at long last, decided that we’re once again on speaking terms, and, having decided thus, has spoken: Underground long enough, she seemed to say…it’s time to resurface. Or at least start to. She then gave me a five-year plan. Which is actually a pleasant change from not having a five-year plan. So suddenly there’s a five-year plan. I’ve got six book ideas that I’ve written out to 10K-15K words, and after much ceiling-staring, hardwood-floor pacing, and whiskey clanking, (and subsequent drunken consultation with the Wise Ones), it has been decided to shelve four of the book ideas for the time being, and focus exclusively on getting the first two books ready for a 2024 release.

The first book is a psychological memoir (which I’ve never read or written), the second is a novel (of which I’ve read many, but never written). Yeah…fiction. Traditionally, my fiction has been shit. And it still very well may be, but it’s a satire, so I should be able to pull it off.

A completed draft of the first book is due by December of this year, (which is rapidly approaching), and the second book by June of next year. It’s a bit ambitious, but that’s the plan, so yeah…Let’s get weird.

N.P.: “Cage” – Billy Idol

August 14. 2022

Art by Tasty Piece,©️ The Safehouse Collection 2022

Studio was closed last week due to fulfillment of civic duty.  Gonna spend the week catching up.
My thoughts are with Salman Rushdie and his family.  America continues to disappoint as it strays away from true liberty and free speech.

N.P.: “Cool, Nice.” – Cobra Man

August 1, 2022

Just a quick note on the passing of Nichelle Nichols…I had the privilege of meeting her in 1981.  We chatted about the Space Shuttle and she said I was “very intelligent.”  I was accused of blushing deeply afterwards, but I remain dubious of such claims..  I remember thinking she was one of the first adults I spoke with who actually listened to me.   Anyway, she was a very kind, classy lady and I’m grateful for the chance tohave meet her.

N.P.: “M.E.” – Wand

July 30, 2022

Art by Tasty Piece,©️ The Safehouse Collection 2022

I’ll be honest with you, dear reader:  I didn’t buy a ticket for the Billion Dollar Lotto.  It was weird, but in the end, winning that kind of cash would force me out to resurface from the underground about at least a year early, and I haven’t come this far to start fucking around with The Plan now. So, no ticket, no billion dollars.
One interesting thing to come of the weirdness of this week as I plotted becoming disgustingly rich and then chose not to was the re-discovery of Ambien Art. Ambien Art is an offshoot of Shitfaced Secret Santa. Shitfaced Secret Santa started several years ago when I discovered that if you get significantly drunk, high, or, ideally, both, and then got on your phone and went absolutely apeshit on Amazon, chances are, if you did it right, you wouldn’t remember a thing in the morning. Then, a couple days later, you get a wonderful surprise from the most insightful Secret Santa possible, your shitfaced self: it’s exactly what you wanted.
I was fully set to embrace Shitfaced Secret Santa as a lifestyle, or at least a highly effective method of self-care, but technology got the better of me. Soon Amazon wasn’t the only show in the online shopping town, with virtually every big-box retailer having their own robust online presence. Thus came that dark day when a surprise order arrive from, consisting of items like a barrel of 72 pounds of parmesan cheese and a bagpipe starter kit.
At that point I remember some sort of crude, low-rent intervention, and I had to sort of take a break from Shitfaced Secret Santa. But the stage had been set for shenanigans when I discovered that if you load up on Ambien and then force yourself to stay awake and create art for as long as you can possibly manage, magical things happen. Sure, it’s about as unhealthy as anything can possibly be, but the benefits far outweigh any potential drawbacks, which benefits are twofold: first, you make truly unique art, as in art that is truly unique to you. Whatever you churn out whilst in the throes of the Ambien Haze will likely be fundamentally different from the stuff you’d do without Ambien. If you have a “style,” your Ambien Art will be a completely different style. Which, from a purely artistic standpoint, is a very cool thing. Second, which is really the icing on this somnambulistically creative cake is that Ambien acts as an extreme amnesiac: you wake up the following afternoon or whenever, surprise! New art that you have absolutely no recollection of doing.
So last night, evidently that’s what happened, because I awoke to find I had recorded a song and written a bad free-verse poem about the lottery and created a disturbingly phallic cloud painting to go with it. To wit:

At the urinal, an angel told me I’d with $1 billion in the lottery
If I pissed on a cloud.
I said “What cloud?”
She said, “The one you see there.”
It was just the sky. No clouds in sight.
Without waiting to be prompted, I pissed on the sky anyway
And won $1 billion in the lottery.
Lord, the wrong number of digits
for wrong numbers.
the outgoing message, our number,
unlistened to message of my own voice—
voice of a man who is not yet dead.
What the fuck does that even mean?  And what’s up with that goddamn picture?  The poem was one thing, but I went all to pieces when I saw that goddamn electronic sketch my drug-addled brain apparently produced.  Anyway, yeah.
N.P.: “She Left – 2018 Remaster” – C-Tec

July 27, 2022

Art by Tasty Piece,©️ The Safehouse Collection 2022

And lo, an angel did appear from on high, saying, “Yo…we’ve had a big think up here, and $810 million just isn’t gonna be enough.  You have to raise a small army, you need to start buying up strategically located properties, and on Thursday, you’re gonna find out there’s a recession.  You’re gonna need a cool billion to really do this right.  Buy another ticket.”
And then I woke up, calm in my knowledge when I checked my numbers that I hadn’t won this lesser prize, and no one else had either.  I am nothing if not patient.

N.P.: “Violent Mood Swings (Thread Mix) – Stabbing Westward