Everybody is bored. And having trouble accurately keeping track of time. I think it’s the fact that every day is basically exactly the same, that there is no significant difference between weekdays and weekends is a big part of it.
I’m doing okay with it. I’ve been viewing it as a kind of psychology experiment…”What will these people do?” Something I have learned is that nearly all of my introvert friends weren’t really introverts…they started buckling back in March, almost immediately. I’ve learned that I am absolutely an introvert…like I’m good at it. Kinda thriving in this environment, to be honest. It’s interesting…you know all the ways I’m “eccentric” and weird in the “normal” world? I make complete sense in a crisis. Everybody else gets “eccentric” and weird and freaks out…me? Calm as a Hindu cow.
Anyway, wrote a bunch today. There’s been a delay in the computer I’m building for the new studio…that might not be done until November. But that’s cool…I can keep working on these old ones in the interim.
N.P.: “Mad World” – Me and My Nightmare
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