The Office of the Governor of California, perhaps the worst state in the U.S., issued the following statement:  “Going out to eat with members of your household this weekend?  Don’t forget to keep your mask on in between bites.  Do your part to  keep those around you healthy.”  Jesus.  You know, you spend a lot of time in childhood looking at the adult world and shaking your head and thinking to yourself, “Look at these idiots…they have absolutely no business being in charge of anything, but somehow, they’re in charge of everything.  Maybe I don’t want to grow up.  And then you grow up, and you realize that you were absolutely right as a child: The governor of a state larger than many countries is officially telling people to take a bite of food, then put on a mask, masticate, swallow, then remove the mask, take another bite, repeat.  Morons.

Speaking of morons, the various cowardly corporate entities who so blatantly displayed their willingness to absolutely sell out and abandon their own customers at the very threat of a hashtag campaign by an ignorant mob are suddenly slapping their corrupt corporate foreheads as they start to understand the damage they’ve done to their bottom line, which was, is, and always will be their only genuine concern.  If they think there is money in mouthing virtue-signaling platitudes, then that’s what they do.  And that’s what they thought, but then the ratings started coming in and, oddly enough, Americans don’t appreciate being falsely accused of racism by aggrieved parties who are enjoying multi-million dollar annual incomes for playing a game and bitching about being oppressed.  The NBA Commissioner and obsequious turd Adam Silver attempted to delicately deliver the news earlier this week, having suddenly noticed that the NBA’s viewership is in the toilet: the bullshit virtue-signaling social justice warrior bullshit will be left off the court and off the jerseys next season.  Mr. Silver and the NBA deserve every bit of grief they’re going to get from all sides about this.  It’s going to be fun to watch.

Meanwhile, over in Tulsa, the city government finally sacked up and removed a stupid and illegal BLM™ painting on one of its streets.  There were protests, natch, but nobody cared.

The first and best reality show in the history of television, “Cops,” resumed production recently.  Cancelled by the Paramount Network in a humiliating display of pusillanimity, the show has no intention of resuming that relationship.  Episodes being produced now are strictly for overseas markets.
The same bullshit happened to “LivePD” over at A&E, but Dan Abrams recently promised that the show is “coming back.”  I hope someplace other than A&E, because fuck them.  And Paramount too.  Cable’s dead anyway.

N.P.: “Put It in the Boogie” – Zach Deputy

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