Screaming passengers continue to be a problem.  It’s been a recurring issue for the last 5 years whenever I’ve had passengers while I’m driving, which is, thankfully, rare.
I understand that riding with me can be an…intense experience.  But only for those who lack faith in my superior driving skills.  I am a professional, you know.  I’m also a bit of a fatalist when it comes to other people, so though I have no idea of the myriad choices you have been making your entire life, those choices have somehow led you to be sitting in my passenger’s seat while I’m going ridiculous speeds.
The screaming is a problem because I tend to be several steps ahead of any passengers, so when I’m looking over my left shoulder quickly to see if the lane is clear, it’s probably to avoid the thing that my passenger is only now about to notice.  But when she screams, it interferes with some pretty complicated math and physics that’s going on in real time at about 90 mph, when is not a good time to interfere with things.  Luckily for all parties concerned, I long ago learned to ignore the screams of passengers (keeping the stereo at inordinate volumes helps).  I forgive them, for they know not what they do.  I don’t even lecture or yell until we safely get to where we’re going, and then I gently point out that we have arrived safely and without actual incident and was all that screaming and bullshit back there really necessary.  Which is a perfectly reasonable question, I think.

N.P.: “Homeless in Heathrow” – Fartbarf

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