Yep…mess around with the clocks and everything goes to hell.  I was walking through a park this afternoon when suddenly everything stank.  It was inescapable…the entire park reeked.  After a while, I thought maybe I’d stepped in dog shit, A quick check revealed that that wasn’t it.  I briefly suspected one of the humans just stinking to high hell, but there’s no way one person, no matter how repugnant, could stink up the entirety of a huge park.  Then I figured out the source: cherry blossoms.  The fucking cherry trees decided, what, a good 10 days before the start of spring, to blossom all over the place.  It’s quite disgusting.

It’s 6:17 and that stupid star is still in the sky.  Such solar silliness.

N.P.: “The Good Soldier” – Nine Inch Nails

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