Well, shit, California. You voted to make moronic Daylight Saving Time permanent, and now the whole goddamn state is on fire. Which fire, by the way, dear reader, is not threatening me directly. I do appreciate the inquiries about my health a well being. California is a huge state, so to quell any further concern, I have a little place above a liquor store at the corner of Bedlam and Squalor here in Fecal Creek,, which is a perverted suburb just a few minutes south of Anhedonia, CA. We’re pretty impervious to fire around here: all structures are built with asbestos and petrified wood. The smoke, however, is dreadful. Orders have been issued regarding outdoor respiration and visibility whilst driving. The trees look forlorn. Lugubrious. Maybe it’s not because of the smoke, though. Maybe the trees are upset as I am about the passage of Proposition 7. Permanent Daylight Saving Time. Shit. The only hope now is the federal government, which are not words anyone ever wants to have to say.
Anyway, friends to the north and south, stay safe and pray for rain.
N.P.: “Squealer” – Genitorturers
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