Dearest reader, today’s Word of the Day is “inveigh,” a verb that means to bitch vociferously; to protest or complain bitterly or vehemently. It’s a word that packs a subtle punch, and is typically used in formal contexts.
Let’s see this word in action:
Once upon a time (meaning now) in the quiet town of Witch’s Tit, CA, there was a man named Brad. Brad was known for both his affinity for bootleg tipple and his ability to inveigh against anything and everything. His nickname was Brad the Inveigher (like Vlad the Impaler except not nearly as cool). Though some of the locals found Brad’s stupidity amusing, Brad was almost universally disliked. His favorite pastime was getting drunk and attending town hall meetings, where he would rail against the most mundane issues. One memorable evening recently, Brad stood up whilst drunk and began spewing invective at the local bakery’s decision to reduce the size of their doughnuts by a microscopic amount. He ranted and raved, waving around a doughnut as evidence, his face turning a shade of red that almost matched the raspberry filling. “Who the hell are these idiots to try to change the size of doughnuts from the standard Judeo-Christian size that they’ve been for millennia? This is an affront to doughnut lovers everywhere!” he exclaimed, before accidentally squishing the doughnut in his hand, causing a spray of raspberry filling to hit the mayor sitting in the front row. The room fell silent, then erupted into laughter (except for, most notably, the mayor, who was not laughing at all, and actually, judging from appearances) sank suddenly into extraordinarily dark states of pissed off). From that day forward, Brad was not only known as the town’s chief complainer, but also as the Doughnut Deflator. Despite the incident, Brad continued to inveigh with gusto, providing the townsfolk with endless entertainment, right up until the day the Mayor had Brad shot in the balls by the Anhedonia County Sheriff for his egregious breach of etiquette with that raspberry doughnut bullshit at the last town hall meeting. Brad’s been on the quiet side ever since.
N.P.: “TK421” – Lenny Kravitz
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