Right, so today’s word is “indefatigable”. No, it’s not a new type of inflatable mattress, nor is it a fancy name for a hipster indie band. It’s an adjective, dear reader, meaning persisting tirelessly. That’s right, it’s like the Energizer Bunny of words.
Originating from the Latin indefatigabilis, where “in-” means “not” and “defatigare” means “to tire out”, this word basically means you’re too stubborn to admit you’re exhausted. It’s like saying “I’m not tired, you’re tired!” to your body after pulling an all-nighter.
Fred was a middle-aged man who had taken up porn as a way to escape his mid-life crisis. Not watching porn, mind you…Fred had been doing that since he was a kid. He was convinced that if he could bone enough on film, he’d eventually somehow outbone his rapidly receding hairline and expanding waistline. So he packed his shit and moved to Van Nuys to get his video fuck on. His friends called him “indefatigable Fred,” mostly because it sounded better than “delusional Fred.”
One day, Fred’s agent called him up and asked him if he wanted to book a gig called “The Luckiest Man in the World,” which was a porn franchise that filmed twice a year featuring a single middle-aged man having coitus with as many available female porn stars as he could handle. They typically started with 26 actresses on the set, and then, if, as had been the case the last several years, the male talent was going to need more than 26, they’d call girls in. The director of these hyperlibidinous productions referred to the whole production as “the Inferno Fuckathon” as all participants experienced painful burning sensations whilst urinating for days/weeks after filming. This was so bad that even seasoned male porn athletes were known to weep at the mere mention of its name. Though it seemed like a wonderful idea on paper to most men, most men have not had to successfully copulate with 26 different females in one take…it was an uphill fuck-slog done poolside, in the blistering California summer heat, with no shade whatsoever. And, unbeknownst to Fred, due to declining sales in the new decade, the director had decided that making the thing more of an extreme sport than a typical porno shoot would draw in more mainstream viewers, and thus would throw in a rabid, ball-biting wolverine on the set, just to keep things spicy.
On fuck day (as Fred had put it in his calendar), Fred snorted several healthy lines of Viagra and arrived on set wearing nothing but cowboy boots, a thin sheen of Vaseline, and a huge smile. Once filming started, Fred’s huge smile quickly turned into a determined grimace. He started his slow, relentless lovemaking. Hours passed, actresses dropped out, the wolverine snapped, but Fred…Fred kept going. The sun set, the moon rose, a new day dawned, and still, our indefatigable Fred was boning. He’d long since run out of water, his sheen of Vaseline literally fucked off, balls unbitten but burned in the sun, and he was pretty sure he’d lost a finger to the damn wolverine. But did he stop? No! Because Fred was indefatigable.
When filming finally wrapped, three days later, there was no one there to cheer him on. The production staff had packed up and left, most of the female talent was long gone, and even the wolverine had lost interest. But none of that mattered to Fred. He’d done it. He’d completed the Inferno Fuckathon. He was indefatigable.
N.P.: “Facts” – Tom MacDonald, Ben Shapiro
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