The incompetence of Governor of Oregon Kate Brown has reached criminal levels. Dereliction of duty directly resulting in death or serious injury. Gross criminal negligence resulting in damages exceeding $1 million.
For the first time in American history, public safety (government’s prime directive) has become a political issue which many politicians seem not to support. The reason that it’s the first time is because in the past, elected officials seemed to have the self-preservative intellectual wherewithal to predict that if they allowed their entire constituency to be burned and looted by specifically telling the police to stand down instead of protecting their citizenry, not only will they not be reelected, but they could well end up behind bars. But many of the mayors’ and governors’ offices in many parts of the United States are occupied by incompetent cowards these days. But even they, now that their cities have been looted and burned down, are figuring out that an neglected electorate that just lost everything is likely not going to reelect the same incompetent coward that just stood by on TV for the last three months blathering bullshit racist slogans as their cities burned.
Which is what happened in Oregon late last week, when Gov. Brown was looking out at the smoldering ruins of Portland and saw a BLM™ “protester” brazenly execute a man in the middle of one of her streets over his political views. One imagines this idiot slapping herself on the forehead and said, “Oh fuck…it’s an election year. This isn’t going to read well. I’d better come up with a plan.” So she came up with a perfectly ridiculous plan that was based on local cops from non-Portland jurisdictions, state police, and unnamed federal resources coming to Portland to (presumably) get hit with bricks and set on fire and not be allowed to act, thus freeing up the beleaguered Portland PD to work on all the reports and investigations. Or something like that. These resources would give Portland PD “the investigative capacity to arrest and charge those individuals who have engaged in violent or destructive acts and endangered public safety.”
So on Sunday, Gov Brown revealed her dumb ass plan. In her incompetence, however, she neglected to contact (let alone ask) any of the parties she was asking for help. And these parties were very quick to tell the Governor where she could stick her 6-point plan. Sheriff Pat Garrett of Washington County issued a beautiful statement: “At this time, I do not plan to send deputies to work directly in Portland. [Portland PD] is a terrific partner and I am very sympathetic to what they are enduring. However, the lack of political support for public safety, the uncertain legal landscape, the current volatility combined with intense scrutiny on use of force presents an unacceptable risk if deputies were deployed directly.”
Clackamas County Sheriff Craig Roberts commented the next day, expressing displeasure at the fact that the Governor hadn’t bothered to actually ask any of the police chiefs for help. He then made it clear he had no plans to send any of his personnel to the Portland: “Had Governor Brown discussed her plan with my office, I would have told her it’s about changing policy, not adding resources. Increasing law enforcement resources in Portland will not solve the nightly violence and now, murder.” He then took issue with Portland;s newly elected idiot district attorney and his failure to do his job, which is to prosecute criminals. “The same offenders are arrested night after night, only to be released by the court and not charged with a crime by the DA’s office. The next night, they’re back at it, endangering the lives of law enforcement and the community all over again. The criminal justice system will need to do its part and hold offenders accountable.”
A Greshem police spokesperson said, “We are in agreement with the other agencies.”
Upon learning that there was no cavalry willing to come bail her out of her mess, Governor Brown’s issued a moronic statement saying that the Governor’s dumb ass plan is “meant to allow for this type of flexibility in supporting each other as we all collectively deal with the difficult situation in Portland.”
Only an idiot would find the situation in Portland difficult. The situation in Portland is incredibly simple and could be rectified before the next sunrise if even slightly competent people were in charge and law enforcement was allowed to do their jobs.
It’s no secret I don’t have a lot of respect for the State of Oregon. And the people there are the sort of people that seem to happy continually reelecting the sort of constrictive government that won’t even allow people to pump their own gas. But there must be a tipping point even for you pitiful hippies when you finally plant your Birkenstocken on the ground where your shitty apartment used to stand until it was burned down and declare that there is some shit even you won’t eat. But maybe not. Maybe you like it. You put up with it. I wouldn’t be surprised at this point. This entire wretched summer has been composed of me in shocked disbelief at the complete dearth of either spinal cord or testicles in many of my fellow Americans.
I know pretty much everybody in Fecal Creek spent the summer buying guns, stocking up on whiskey and ammunition, and getting unholy criminal defense attorneys on retainer. And pumping our own gas. My people.
N.P.: “Just Came Back” – Colin James
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