The garbage mayor of San Francisco was caught dining out at the same fucking restaurant as the Governor was caught in…wait for it…the day after the governor was caught, violating the same strict restrictions.  The garbage mayor of San Jose got caught intentionally violating the same state rules by spending Thanksgiving with his parents.  San Francisco’s garbage senator was caught without a mask (the kind she insists her constituents wear) while she was getting her hair did indoors at a salon (egregiously violating the rules she has supported that have resulted in myriad closed businesses and ruined livelihoods.  She is also to be remembered for cackling manically while showing off her two (2) $24,000 freezers full of $94/gallon ice cream on national TV as roughly 25 million Americans found themselves suddenly out of work.
People will tolerate all manner of bullshit from their leaders: stupidity, cupidity, incompetence.  But one thing they tend not to tolerate for very long at all is hypocrisy.  Historically, most leaders who indulged in behaviors while using their positions to prevent their citizenry from engaging in the exact same behavior, more specifically leaders who dined decadently while great swaths of their people struggled and  starved as a direct result of those leaders, frequently find their political careers ending rather suddenly in decapitation.
Of course that won’t happen here.

N.P.: “Stripped – Heavy Mental Mix by Charlie Clouser” – Rammstein

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