“If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by.” ~ ?
That typically gets attributed to Sun Tzu, but I’ve read “The Art of War” a couple times and it ain’t in there. I’ve also seen it called “Japanese wisdom,” so who knows who the hell said it. But here’s the advice I take from it: sure, you can go out and massacre everybody who’s ever wronged you, but then you have to spend the rest of your days in prison, which is no kind of victory. No…you don’t have to bother: your enemies are all under a death sentence already. Do nothing and they will still die. One just needs to be patient. Just wait. And while you’re waiting, build yourself an existence that is incredibly cool and is something that they can never be a part of. Wait. And watch.
There is wisdom there. The result is the same, but one path means spending one’s life looking over one’s shoulder and never being able to truly relax again, and the other means simply keeping yourself alive long enough to be able to piss on the graves of your nemeses.
Wait and watch. Tick tock, tick tock….
N.P.: “Woke Up This Morning” – Alabama 3
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