Only children just demand things that may or may not exist and/or be possible. This is a direct result of playing scoreless soccer and receiving participation awards. If you find yourself anywhere “demanding” anything, understand that you are in no position to demand anything. If you don’t like something, you’re going to have to do more than just demand other people change it. If you don’t like something, then you need to go change it. You’re an adult, you claim to be intelligent…why are you demanding other people do things? Shut the fuck up and go do them yourself. If you don’t like the way your community is policed, become a police officer. If you don’t like the laws as they are written, run for office or go to work for the legislature and get new laws written. If you want more books and movies featuring characters of a certain race, then start writing those books.
This won’t happen for two reasons: 1) the sheep in the mob have zero interest in actually fixing the problems they claim to care so passionately about. These problems are just the excuses they use to “justify” their violence. In fact, it behooves the cause for the problem not to be solved, because if the problem were to be solved, they would have less to bitch about. Which is all they do: bitch.
If they were to actually try to solve the problems they are demanding everyone else change, they would quickly learn two things: 1) becoming a police officer, a legislator, or an author is an unbelievably difficult thing to do, and despite what their parents, teachers, and all their participation awards have been telling them, they aren’t capable of “being anything they want.” They cant get into a position to affect the change that they’re demanding: not because the system is racist…It’s because they themselves lack the necessary intelligence, education, talent, common sense, et cetera, to achieve these things. And 2) not all problems have solutions. There are certain aspects of the human condition that can never be “solved.” Racism, sexism, violence, crime, poverty, injustice…these are all things to certain work against and try to reduce, but they will never disappear. As long as these are the causes, the mob will never run out of things to demand.
The way to actually change these various problems, by the way (not that anyone asked), is not to try to stop or eliminate them…no, that would be foolish. No, the solution is to acknowledge sexism, racism, et cetera, as unfortunate realities, legitimate problems that aren’t going away, and then educate people on how to deal with it when confronted with them, and from there, build a society where instances of these problems occur fewer and fewer times.
What the mob is doing now with its demands is tantamount to a group of people protesting crime. They’re marching in the street demanding an end to crime. And they’re “teaching” their kids that the way to stop crime is to march in the streets demanding an end to it. Then, when they figure out that their protesting did nothing to stop crime, they start committing criminal acts to “raise awareness” about the ongoing presence of crime, and things then continue to spiral stupidly out of control until you have a complete lawless situation, the exact opposite of what they were trying to achieve in the first place. What they should do (which is what any rational person does), is acknowledge that evil lurks, that there is and will always be crime, and then train yourself and your family how to handle it if it happens to them.
N.P.: “Let the Insects Rule” – Powerman 5000
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