The criminally negligent Minneapolis City Council had a special meeting last week to discuss orders of magnitude crime rate has increased since they’ve been bad-mouthing, not supporting, accusing of racism, and trying to defund the police department.  Jamal Osman, the newest member of the Council of Idiots actually said, out loud, “Residents are asking, ‘Where are the police.'”  Well, shit, Jamal…that is a good question…wheresoever could they be?  Osman went on: “[The police department is the only public safety option they have at this point.  MPD.  They rely on MPD.  And [the residents] are saying they are nowhere to be seen.”
Jamal needs to have some sense slapped into him.  Seriously.  If he and the rest of the city council are some moronically myopic as to honestly wonder why crime might skyrocket when you allow criminals and thugs hiding behind the BLM™ moniker to destroy your city nightly whilst ordering your police force to stand down, to not let them use their assigned weapons to defend themselves, when you prosecute them if they do dare to defend themselves, when you do nothing but join in the chants of the idiotic mob.  Dolts.
Lisa Bender, the president of the Council of Incompetence, reported that she is hearing that the word on the street is the police are purposefully, intentionally not arresting criminals.
This level of failure to understand the most rudimentary cause-and-effect relationship is indicative of some kind of moronic psychosis.  Their entire City Council should be jailed.  Fortunately for them, there aren’t any cops left to arrest them.

N.P.: “Plasma” – Stahlmann

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