For the first time, I’ve been thinking actively about leaving the United States for the last few months.  Hollywood people have been threatening to leave the country if their presidential candidate didn’t win for decades, which is about as stupid and childish as it gets (which they know…not one of them has ever followed through on their headline-grabbing promise.  I am a proud and loyal American, and I have always loved my country.  I’ve preferred some administrations over others, but I’ve always understood that whomever might be sitting in the White House has exactly zero impact on what I do with my day, or my life.  But I’ve never considered leaving the United States because of any politician…they are surprisingly easy to ignore.  But this summer, I’ve given it serious thought. A basic plan was thought up. Not because of the country or its politicians: it’s my “fellow citizens.”  On a truly depressing scale, I have seen cowardice, weakness, and egregious stupidity.  They tend to share a seemingly intentional ignorance which they flaunt, as if it somehow gives them more credibility.  Though I suppose that if one is trying to control The Stupid, they will put up less resistance if they think one is stupid too.
Ultimately, I know The Mob is an obscenely vocal minority, but they are a sizable minority, which is what’s most disappointing.  There have always been idiots here, but they have been allowed to reproduce, and now it seems like the fuckers are everywhere.

N.P.: “No Leaf Clover (Live)” – Metallica, San Francisco Symphony

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