The only people who believe that the United States is systemically racist or even just a racist country are those who have never even seen much less been forced to live under actually racist systems. After a conversation today, I’m confident that they don’t actually know what the term means. If some black people can succeed in The System (e.g., a two-term President or a middle-class state worker) then all black people can succeed in The System. That they don’t cannot be blamed on The System. Racism is binary: one either is racist or one isn’t. So there cannot exist a racist system that is only racist in some of the cases.
Say there is a college class composed entirely of black males. 50 students. And its a community college, so they are all from very similar upbringings. Many of them graduated from the same high school. This class and the instructor are notoriously difficult for everybody (yeah, I know…let’s pretend it’s some weird place where truly academically difficult courses are taught at community college). Okay, so at the end of a very difficult semester, two students get As in the class. Four get Bs, and four get Cs. So 10 people passed the class. Is the reason the other 40 people failed systemic racism? If you think so, you’re going to need to account for (in a believable, realistic way) the apparent immunity to systemic racism enjoyed by 20% of black people in this example. Racism cannot possibly be blamed.
But let’s say that the grades in the class were actually much better. Let’s say instead of only 20%, a full 50% of the class passed. Meaning that of the 50 original students in the class, 25 passed and the class and advanced to whatever’s next, while 25 failed and did not advance. Why did these 25 fail? We have no way of knowing, but we know for certain what didn’t cause them to fail: say it with me now: systemic racism.
The U.S. Census Bureau would have you believe that the majority of African American families are middle-class. Which means that more than half of the students have passed the class. Why didn’t the other half pass? Again, we have no way of knowing, but we know for certain what it wasn’t.
N.P,: “Masquerade (Live)” – Berlin
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