Bad news in Belarus, dear reader. If Americans want to know what actual systemic problems look like, Belarus would be a fine example. And China…brazenly rounding up Muslims, shaving their heads, and loading them on trains headed for concentration camps. That is systemic.
Then there’s Hong Kong. It’s difficult not to notice that the American press largely ignores these stories. They seem to ignore much of what goes on internationally. Israel and the UAE signed a peace treaty last week that is the most significant concrete step to Mid-East peace in the last 25 years…barely heard a word about it in the States. It’s difficult not to notice that the American press largely ignores rather a lot of significant developments nationally. If stories don’t fit The Narrative, they go largely unreported. As reporters and legitimate journalists, the American press is almost completely useless. As propagators of propaganda to an unquestioning public utterly bereft of any critical thinking ability, they remain quite effective.
N.P.: “Wut will nicht sterben – Radio Edit” – Puhdys
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