You know what pisses me off, dear reader? These pieces written by idiots that are entitled things like, “15 Things You Didn’t Know About _______.” With “_______” here being something that I am at all interested in. Inevitably, I know all 15 things, and I am not “special,” here…anybody who is at all “into” whatever is being discussed knows these 15 things plus a lot more. And more often than not, I find numerous errors in their “reporting.” Lately, I’ve done a little digging into the cretins writing this nonsense, and inevitably, they are in their early 20s and apparently still under the impression that culture and history started the day they were born, and now when they “discover” something that was around before they were born, they weirdly assume that nobody else has ever even heard of whatever they just “discovered” and feel that they are now, somehow, “experts” on the matter. If they were to use accurate titles, these would all be called, “15 Things My Ignorant Ass Found Out When I Googled This Movie/Book/Band/Whatever Because I Couldn’t Figure It Out From Just Watching/Reading/Listening to It.” Or something similar. Like so many things, I get the impression that this shit doesn’t bother anybody else the way it does me. But I don’t really care. Because it needs to be said: “Goddammit, child…I was an expert at this before you were an itch in your daddy’s pants.”
Now get off my fuckin’ lawn.
N.P.: “Shambala” – Beastie Boys
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