Here’s why I don’t like “protests” in America: they are the easy way out. And they are also pointless, ineffectual, and chickenshit. They are “doing something“ without having to bother with coming up with an actual solution or do much of anything at all, really. This all stems from yeah idea really came about in the 60s, that America is composed of “us“ and “them“. There are politicians and then there are people. There are the police and then there is the public. It’s as if there were separate classes that you had to be born into, otherwise you were not and would never be part of the other group. “We” would never be “Them.” And this leads to all manner of fallacious reasoning and erroneous conclusions. And it leads to a feeling of helplessness. Of hopeless defeatism. Hence, protests.
Is there is no us and them. It’s all Us. They are Us. If you really want to change something, then go change it. If you feel that passionately about a situation, maybe rather than walking in circles in the streets, protesting, bitching, and complaining, without offering a single solution to the issue, you can just go in and fix the issue. Rather than pointlessly stopping traffic to protest police violence, why not become a police officer? The chief of the Dallas Police Dept has said that if you can pass their selection and get through the academy, he will put you in your own neighborhood to patrol. In other words, “if you have a problem with the way your neighborhood is policed, and you think you could do a better job, then be our guest.” If you don”t like what’s going on politically, and think you could do better, then run for office.
“But I can’t do that…I’ve got a degree and a career and that’s my calling and I’ve got a family and…” blah blah blah. So you’re not that upset about what you’re protesting. Not really. Just enough to go join the other lemmings so you can get your virtue-signaling in, let all your weak-minded friends see you protesting, and then you’re done. Which is why it is all absolute bullshit. And everybody who is not duped by whatever false narrative is controlling you idiots at the moment see right through it. Go become a cop you want patrolling your neighborhood. Run for office and become the politician you want governing your people. Or shut the fuck up.
N.P.: “Stossgebet” – Eisbrecher
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