So, I’m 95% sure that I’m changing the name of the book. You know, The Book…the big one. The non-fiction one. The title I’ve had for it is amazing from a literary perspective, and it will still get used, maybe as a chapter title or something, but it was not at all representative of the book, and just going by that title, no one would know what the hell the book was about. But there’s this other title that’s been floating around for a while, but I was so enamored with the first one that I just kind of ignored it. And it’s good…it sounds good, looks good on the page, and it pretty much spells out exactly what the book is about. So from a commercial standpoint, changing the title is absolutely the thing to do.
Unfortunately, now I really can’t reveal the title until it’s sold with a hard publishing date.
I can tell you the book was almost called “Titties.” That came from a drunken night with my editor, when I was hollering about the experience I’d had with my first book, when I put “Viagra” in the title. In addition to hollering, I remember occasionally pounding on the table to accentuate the general state of things. The bulk of the book had nothing to do with Viagra, but I spent not an insignificant amount of time various national TV shows being interviewed about recreational Viagra use. I declared back then that if I’m going to become the poster boy for whatever I put in the title, regardless of the content or subject matter of the book, then the title of my next book is definitely going to be “Titties.”
Alas, ’twas not to be. At least not this book.
So now, hopefully, things will start coming together kind of quickly with this book. It’s been an amorphous mess up to this point…the new title will serve nicely to refine and limit the focus of things.
N.P.: “Christian Woman” – Type O Negative
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