The number of unarmed black people killed by police in the U.S. last year was 9. The number of unarmed white people killed by police in the U.S. last year was 19. The number of police officers killed in the U.S. so far (by gunshots, assaults, and vehicular assaults) in the U.S. so far this year (which is not yet even halfway over) is 39.
Of the 4 officers involved in the death of George Floyd, only one was white. The three others appear to be black, Asian, and Latino. The Floyd family commissioned a private autopsy from Dr. Michael Baden who concluded that while Floyd died from asphyxia, it was actually the officer kneeling on Floyd’s back that caused the asphyxia. The officer on his neck did more to slow/limit the blood flow to Floyd’s brain, but that was not the cause of death.
There has been exactly nothing to indicate that the murder of George Floyd was racially motivated. Nothing. Whether it was the white officer with his knee in Floyd’s neck, or any of the non-white officers who actually caused Floyd’s death, there were no racist remarks made. There was no racist chatter on the police radio (as there was in the Rodney King incident). Evidently there was no comment regarding race during the entire Floyd incident. Might race have been a factor? Maybe…that is not known yet. Might other factors have contributed? Sure. The white officer and Floyd knew each other, and had been coworkers previously. Certainly worth exploring, perhaps, before using the incident as a launching pad for protests against an entire country for systemic racism. The American public has been so rhetorically bludgeoned by this narrative that they now see any incident between people of different races as blatantly racist rather than simply incidental.
Not a single public voice has at any point done anything but condemn the murder of George Floyd. As soon as it because public, it was vociferously condemned by every police chief in the country. No one has defended the actions of the police in this case. All four officers were immediately fired, and days later, murder charges filed and all four officers are behind bars. As they should be. That is the judicial system functioning exactly as it’s supposed to.
The most disappointing aspect of the recent chaos has been witnessing otherwise intelligent people completely abandon facts and act instead on feelings alone. It’s alarming how easily the present generation of Americans can be manipulated/controlled. But childlike gullibility is the inevitable result of not teaching any kind of critical thinking skills whatsoever in our education system.
I sometimes think I should use this to my advantage. The one-eyed man being King in the land of the blind and all that.
N.P.: “The Moon is Disgusting” – That 1 Guy
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