Congratulations, extroverts: under our leadership, the introverts have given you one full month without a mass shooting. A month without any suicide bombings. A month without hostage situations. A month without kidnappings. A month without prison riots. Hell, there hasn’t even been a decent bar fight since St. Patrick’s Day. And all you had to do was learn how to spend a little time alone.
But really…those above statistics are true, yet not one gun was confiscated, not one amendment was abridged, no legislation was passed, yet it was the single most effective solution to each of the above-mentioned problems ever implemented. Now, I know that the present Way of Things is unsustainable. My only hope is that when the extroverts once again slavishly give in to their compulsion to be close to other people, and assholes start shooting or blowing those gatherings up, rather than instinctively attempting to limit the constitutional rights of others, it would be a lot more convenient, effective, and constitutional to consider modifying your own behavior. I know it’s an almost impossible concept for the extrovert mind to grasp, but it’s true: it is within your power to permanently end most of the above acts of barbarism. Previously you’ve dismissed this sort of thinking as impossible, but you just did it. And you survived.
N.P.: “In the Hall of the Mountain King” – Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross
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