We don’t usually talk politics around here, usually because the topic tends to be tedious. So I may never have told you that I am a pretty hardcore libertarian. That said, there are tenets of libertarianism with which I do not agree. People who are in lockstep with every one of their political party’s talking points make me nervous. But I tend to tick more boxes with libertarianism than the other political parties, and I very much agree with their overarching philosophy of minimal government. I appreciate the government being their protecting the borders from foreign invaders, but I resent the shit out any governmental intrusion into my personal life.
So great, I’m a libertarian. But in California, we are limited to voting only for our declared party’s candidates in primary elections. Which is problematic. Because by and large, anyone on the ticket as a libertarian is a fucking crazy person.
I remember the first year I had to vote on the libertarian ticket, the front runner in the presidential election was someone who’s primary concern in the survival of the United States was the legalization of the domesticated ferret. And that dude ran repeatedly for several presidential election.
On the 2020 ballot, there are roughly 183 candidates on the libertarian ticket, and I’m pretty sure they’re all nuts. One name that simply leaps from the mer de noms is Vermin Supreme, and yes…get ready for Vermin. According to Wikipedia, Vermin Love Supreme is “an American performance artist and activist who has run as a candidate in various local, state, and national elections in the United States [and presumably won none of them]. Supreme is known for wearing a boot as a hat and carrying a large toothbrush, and has said that if elected President of the United States, he will pass a law requiring people to brush their teeth. He has campaigned on a platform of zombie apocalypse awareness and time travel research, and promised a free pony for every American.” Yeah. So while I’m not going to be changing my political affiliation any time soon, I just want it noted that it is not easy to be a libertarian in primary season.

N.P.: “Razor Sharp” – Collide

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