Feeling pretty sub-great today, intellectually attractive reader. Frustrated. Stagnant. Kinda down, kinda defeated.
I am working on this really funny thing, but because of its subject matter, it could be that no one will ever read it. But it’s that sort of shit that has me frustrated. Ugh. What’s the bright side?
I did get just over 4 hours of restful sleep last night.
See…things are getting better all the time.
Speaking of things that may never be read. I could probably use some species of manager. The Vault is getting completely unwieldy. There are 350+ free-floating undeveloped ideas, about 50 more developed essays in various stages of completion, and then 4 book-length projects, also in various states of completion. The problem is that each day I’m just adding new things to these piles, rather than going back and working on things that are already in there. I do try, on occasion. I’ll dedicate a day to sort of curating the vault, but it’s fairly impossible for me to figure out where to start. Even if I have an idea of what I want to work on, I’ll see something I’d forgotten about and get distracted with that. Then while rereading that, I’ll get some other idea for something totally different, open a new file, and start typing. It’s madness. Madness with no perceptible forward motion. Hence, frustration.
N.P.: “Planetary Space Child” – Ruby the Hatchet
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