This stupid aloe plant may finally be dead. There were originally 3 stalks in this pot. One died almost immediately, the second hung out for a couple of weeks before dramatically collapsing and oozing aloe onto my table like blood at a crime scene. This third and final stalk has hung on for 2 months now, and I thought maybe it was starting to thrive, especially since it was no longer having to share the water and soil with 2 other stalks. I’ve even been putting it on the windowsill so it could get more sun…it seemed to like that. But then yesterday, it just collapsed. It’s kind of holding on today, but I think this is plant hospice at this point.
This winter is bullshit so far. Not a cloud in the sky. The weather app says, “A good deal of sunshine.” No, asshole, this is a bad deal of sunshine. Pleasant daytime temperatures. Disgusting.
N.P.: “Funky Town” – Pseudo Echo
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