Monthly Archives: July 2021

July 6, 2021

It happened again, dear reader: I was just being the hell of a guy that I am on Sunday, and then all of a sudden, it’s Tuesday.  I assume there was a Monday in there, I just don’t have any recollection of it.  I don’t think a lot of sleep was involved because I am completely exhausted tonight.

N.P.: “Route 66 (2006 Remaster)” – Depeche Mode

July 2, 2021

The election to remove “Hollywood” Newsom as Governor of California has been set for September 14.  Tick tock, you weasel.

N.P.: “The Railroad” – Goodnight, Texas

July 1, 2021

I love and adore apps like Zoom and Teams…anything that keeps me from ever having to physically attend another meeting or gathering is aces with me.  The problem I have with either platform is that when you’re presenting, your audience is muted, which in many cases is a gift from the heavens.  But if you’re funny, the muting can be slightly problematic: you can’t hear anyone laugh.  Sure, you can see them cackling and subsequently falling out of their chairs, and they’re sending all sorts of crazed laughing emoji in the comments section, but not having the audio of actual laughter can slightly throw off one’s rhythm.  It’s like playing some huge concert where you can’t hear anything from the audience…sure, you can look up and see how they’re reacting, but if you know what you’re doing, the roar of the crowd is as much a part of the show and its timing as the drums.

A couple people asked me about Cosby.  Since I haven’t watched the news since January, I was a bit confused why suddenly people we asking about him.  So I tuned in long enough to hear he’d been freed from prison.  It’s about time.  I’m sure that’s not what you want to hear, sensitive reader, but I think that’s the point, at least for the MeToo misguideds: it doesn’t matter how badly you want to hear something, even if you’re super passionate about it, even if you have the unquestioning support of all your female friends and the entirety of the moronic American “media,” if you can’t bring a tenable case, you’re wasting your time.  And from a legal perspective, this case should never have been brought against Cosby.  Something else you probably won’t want to hear, reasonable reader, is that this is the real problem with MeToo™, BLM™, and the other mob movements of the last 10 years is that they lend false validity to the “empowering” notion that certain inconvenient constitutionalities like due process and statutes of limitation don’t matter at all if the victim is _________ [fill in aggrieved minority category here], thus further hurting the victims and doing irreparable damage to whatever cause they’re claiming to want to help .  They make women believe that rape can be successfully handled like a trip to the ladies’ room when out with a group of friends: someone else has to be the first to go, and then everybody else feels comfortable going.  Never mind the law or your total ignorance of it…just scream loud enough and that has to work.  Then they start propagating nonsense like “All women must be believed.”  Well, that’s not how the justice system works, and I contend that slogans like that serve only to create a false sense of confidence in accusers.  You can disagree with me here, but I’d be curious what you’d say to the women who did work up the courage to be retraumatized and took the stand to testify in this trial who spent yesterday sitting at home watching Cosby arrive home and prepare his lawsuit for God Knows How Many Hundreds of Millions of Dollars to cover his losses for the last two years (which lawsuit he has a very high probability of winning).

There has been a disturbing trend in the judiciary of late in the weight given to so-called character witnesses.  This is appalling.  Personally, I don’t think such testimony should even be admitted.  But, of course, I’m a bit of a purist when it comes to justice of any vintage, criminal or otherwise: I find plea bargains to be an abomination.  After the revolution, when I’m in charge, plea bargains will be banned.  A person should be charged for the crime they are accused of, nothing more, nothing less, tried for that crime, and found guilty or not of that crime.  In my world, justice is non-negotiable.  Damn right…welcome to the Hard Line.  Hey, under my system, not only would Big Bill still be in prison, he would have been there long ago.

N.P.: “Flashpoint – Hybrid Remix” – Hybrid