Monthly Archives: June 2020

Hot damn, dear reader…today’s word count was the highest so far this year.  It actually started in the middle of the night last night.  And I’m still going.  All book stuff.  I think I’ve made a decision about the book.  Not sure…I need another night to think about it.  Maybe I’ll tell you about it tomorrow.
This level of productivity feels very comfortable.  I might actually in a good mood (in spite of the scorching summer sun which needs to fuck right off).

N.P.: “Night Hitcher” – Major Parkinson

Today was okay, dear reader.  Got a lot on the page, and stayed away from the news.
I hope you’re doing well.

N.P.: “Tiefer” – In Strict Confidence


In the embarrassing sea of pusillanimous derelictions of duty shown recently, the officer above is the one I would keep.  If I was the mayor, I’d make that man Chief of Police and fire the rest of those assholes.  Seriously.   Fuck ’em.  Bring in the State Police until you can find some of your citizens who can stay on their feet their entire shift and not melt into obsequious and cowering useless shits.
Where I come from, and well, where I’m sitting right now, we don’t kneel for anything.  No man, no mob, no god.  It must feel disgusting to wake up one morning knowing you knelt before something the day before.

N.P.: “No Feelings” – Sex Pistols

The United States is neither inherently nor systemically racist.  Question the narrative.

N.P.: “Can You Hear Me – Acoustic” – Korn

What’s happenin’, dear reader.  Today was a good day.  Wanna know why it was a good day?  Regardless, I shall tell you.  Today was a good day because I DIDN’T TURN ON THE FUCKING TV.  Absolutely amazing.  Wrote a bunch of good stuff, mood was just sort of automatically elevated…I highly recommend.  Put on some music, read a book…that’s the business.

N.P.: “Who Do You Dance For” – Patron

Question the narrative.  Facts don’t care about feelings.  And neither do I, really.

  • In 2016, 466 whites were killed by police; 233 blacks were killed by police.
  • Whites are 76.5% of the U.S. population (including Hispanics); blacks are 13.4% of the U.S. population.
  • Whites commit 59% of violent crimes (defined as murder, manslaughter, rape, robbery, aggravated assault); blacks commit 37.5% of violent crimes.
  • One out of 8,511 blacks is arrested for murder; one in 58,582 whites is arrested for murder.
  • Blacks are approximately 6.8 times more likely than whites to be arrested for murder.
  • One out of 2,800,438 blacks is arrested for killing a cop, one out of 7,674,278 whites is arrested for killing a cop.
  • Blacks are 2.74 times more likely than whites to be arrested for killing a cop.
  • More than twice as many blacks (533) murdered whites in 2016 than whites (243) murdered blacks.
  • Black males are 6% of the U.S. population.  Black males are responsible for 42% of the cop killings in the last decade.
  • In 2015, a cop was 18.5 more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was likely to be killed by a cop.
  • in 2016, 222 black males were killed by police.  16 were unarmed.  445 white males were killed by the police.  20 were unarmed.

Then there’s this from Heather Mac Donald:  “Between 2012 and 2015, blacks committed 85.5 percent of all black-white interracial violent victimizations (excluding interracial homicide, which is also disproportionately black-on-white).  That works out to 540,360 felonious assaults on whites.  Whites committed 14.4 percent of all interracial violent victimizations, or 91, 470 felonious assaults on blacks.”

N.P.: “Black Lipstick” – Powerman 5000

We’d like to wish Angelina Jolie a very happy birthday.  She turns 45 today.  Happy birthday AJ!

N.P.: “Closer to the End” – Mortiis

The number of unarmed black people killed by police in the U.S. last year was 9.  The number of unarmed white people killed by police in the U.S. last year was 19.  The number of police officers killed in the U.S. so far (by gunshots, assaults, and vehicular assaults) in the U.S. so far this year (which is not yet even halfway over) is 39.

Of the 4 officers involved in the death of George Floyd, only one was white.  The three others appear to be black, Asian, and Latino.  The Floyd family commissioned a private autopsy from Dr. Michael Baden who concluded that while Floyd died from asphyxia, it was actually the officer kneeling on Floyd’s back that caused the asphyxia.  The officer on his neck did more to slow/limit the blood flow to Floyd’s brain, but that was not the cause of death.

There has been exactly nothing to indicate that the murder of George Floyd was racially motivated.  Nothing.  Whether it was the white officer with his knee in Floyd’s neck, or any of the non-white officers who actually caused Floyd’s death, there were no racist remarks made.  There was no racist chatter on the police radio (as there was in the Rodney King incident).  Evidently there was no comment regarding race during the entire Floyd incident.  Might race have been a factor?  Maybe…that is not known yet.  Might other factors have contributed?  Sure.  The white officer and Floyd knew each other, and had been coworkers previously.  Certainly worth exploring, perhaps, before using the incident as a launching pad for protests against an entire country for systemic racism.  The American public has been so rhetorically bludgeoned by this narrative that they now see any incident between people of different races as blatantly racist rather than simply incidental.

Not a single public voice has at any point done anything but condemn the murder of George Floyd.  As soon as it because public, it was vociferously condemned by every police chief in the country.  No one has defended the actions of the police in this case.  All four officers were immediately fired, and days later, murder charges filed and all four officers are behind bars.  As they should be.  That is the judicial system functioning exactly as it’s supposed to.

The most disappointing aspect of the recent chaos has been witnessing otherwise intelligent people completely abandon facts and act instead on feelings alone.  It’s alarming how easily the present generation of Americans can be manipulated/controlled.  But childlike gullibility is the inevitable result of not teaching any kind of critical thinking skills whatsoever in our education system.
I sometimes think I should use this to my advantage.  The one-eyed man being King in the land of the blind and all that.

N.P.: “The Moon is Disgusting” – That 1 Guy

Welp, 24 hours later and curfews are being completely ignored, looting and burning are still happening, and now numerous police officers have been shot.  At this point any violence, rioting, or unrest that is happening is only happening because cowardly local and state leaders are allowing it to happen.  The prime directive of government is to keep your citizens, and when the government fails to do that, it is time to talk seriously about removing some of these people from office immediately.  Gross dereliction of duty, malfeasance, egregious violations of their constitutional oaths: failures to establish justice, failure to ensure domestic tranquility, failure to provide for the common defense, failure to promote the general welfare.
There are increasingly numerous reports of private citizens whom, seeing the complete collapse and failure of local law enforcement and state national guards to keep people and their property safe, have had about enough and are handling things themselves.  Those numbers will start increasing exponentially every additional day the government continues to fail.

N.P.: “Man and Machine” – U.D.O.

The mayor of Anhedonia is moron.  As are, evidently, most mayors and governors across the United States.  This pusillanimous little turd actually went on TV and said that he was not declaring a curfew because, “…as we’ve seen across the country the past few nights, curfews are just ignored, and only serve to antagonize protesters.”  Holy shit.  Okay, first, the protesters are, definitionally, not burning, looting, or rioting.  Protesters are not the problem.  But more importantly, are you seriously abdicating your sworn and primary responsibility to protect law-abiding citizens and their homes and businesses because it might be difficult?  Do you not understand that only law-abiding citizens abide by the law?  Can you not grasp the concept that criminals will break your laws and you need to be able to enforce them?
The last 5 days have seen the complete and inexcusable failure and collapse of local and state governments.  And this failure is not a result of lack of supplies, lack of training, lack of resources, or lack of ability.   It is a result of cowardice.  Not on the part of officers or guardsmen, but in the civic leadership giving the orders.
I’m confident that the decision to retreat and flee Minneapolis’ 3rd Precinct to be overrun and burned by rioters was not the choice of the officers in the building but rather orders from above.  But as the kids would say, that is not a good look.  It steroidically emboldens the rioters, and sends a very clear message to the communities the departments are supposed to protect: “We can’t even protect our own station…you poor tax-paying bastards are on your own.”  Which we’ll get to in a minute.
But mayors and governors…see if you can fish your testicles out of your politically correct donors’ purses and do your fucking job,  Since I doubt you can even conjugate the verb “to fight,” let me tell you how to do it.  It’s not difficult.  If there has been unrest in your city for any or all of the previous 5 nights, you issue a citywide curfew for 20:00.  Anyone on the streets after that is subject to questioning and arrest.  Any group will be detained and arrested via “felony stop” (at gunpoint), and looters will be shot on sight 24 hours a day.  Local and state police will cover the stopping and questioning and arresting of individuals and groups, the national guard will be on looter patrol.  Say what you will, but this bullshit would stop tonight.  And it needs to stop tonight.  Because here’s what nobody seems to be talking about: there are only so many days and nights that law-abiding but well-armed Americans are going to put up with their cities being burned and their law enforcement and local government impotently failing to stop it before they decide, quite rightly, to handle this shit themselves.  Which they have no problem doing, and are really being forced to do.  But then you will have one large, armed group of civilians shooting at another large, armed group of civilians with the police and national guard looking on as they have up until this point, which would look a lot like a civil war, or at least the beginning of one.


N.P.: “War on Error” – Rotersand