Where my pants is?

I’m working on a book called “Where My Pants Is?”  Not really.  Those were just the first words I spoke today.  Actually, that’s not true either. I have yet to speak any words today. The first words I “shared” with anybody today, however, were in a text regarding some construction taking place directly outside, which construction has the pernicious habit of starting at 7 in the goddamn morning. and sounding pretty much exactly what I’d imagine it would sound like to be Seal Team Sixed.  It sounded like Gaza in August out there.  The text, as I recall from my somatic haze, went something like this:  “¿Como se dice, ‘You’re all going to die if you don’t stop with the goddamn noise,” en Espanol, por favor?”

Be all that as it may, I have digressed.  I would very much still like to know where exactly where my pants is.
Urthangs a Dolla Sto

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