Single-lane highways drive me nuts. They are fascist. They put the slowest driver on the road in the position to control the entire world behind him. I’d say these slow-assed people composed at least 80% of my “People I Almost Murdered This Week” list. And it’s always some jackass with Oregon plates and one of those insipid “Coexist” stickers. There should always be at least two lanes. Anything less is unAmerican and sadistic.
You know what else is unAmerican, these goddamn roundabouts that are popping up around The Creek. “Traffic Circles.” Cluster Fucks. And the more annoying of the denizens around here have taken to getting together on the weekends and decorating these eyesores. I may have to take up desecrating these things in the night as a new hobby. Create some incredibly reprehensibly lewd and blasphemous tableaux that the town’s children will have to be driven around in the morning on the way to school.
N.P.: “Wrong Number” – The Cure
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